【你好 America】中国人都会武术吗?

【你好 America】中国人都会武术吗?

2015-09-14    00'43''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

10722 615

更多信息看周三微信第二条~ We’ve all heard of Kung Fu masters Bruce Lee, Jet Lee and Jackie Chan. So if we know those three, the Chinese must know a lot more, right? Well, while they could maybe add Donnie Yen, Wu Jing, and Kung Fu Panda to the list, when it comes to Beijingers busting a few Kung Fu moves, forget it! That’s definitely a myth. According to legend, Chinese martial arts originated over 4000 years ago. One of the earliest mentions of Shaolin Kung Fu is from the 7th century when it was used to defend the Shaolin Monastery. Today, many forms of Chinese Kung Fu are based on northern and southern styles, the first emphasizing powerful kicks and jumps and the second arm strength and fancy footwork.