【你好 America】中国餐馆里咋看不到幸运饼干?!

【你好 America】中国餐馆里咋看不到幸运饼干?!

2015-09-14    00'57''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

9975 746

更多信息关注周二第二条微信~ We all know that fortune cookies are Chinese, right? Maybe not! Some say they were invented in San Francisco by Makoto Hagiwara in the 1890s or early 1900s. David Jung from LA also claimed to have invented them in 1918. In 1983, San Francisco&`&s mock court of historical review attempted to settle the dispute. A fortune cookie was produced in evidence, containing the message, in the end the court ruled in favor of San Francisco. In fact, fortune cookies were probably invented in Kyoto, Japan in the 19th century. One thing’s for sure – you’ll find fortune cookie’s in America and also in Japan. But in China finding one’s like looking for a needle in a haystack.