

2015-09-30    25'00''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

19746 839

完整文稿请浏览微信周日第三条。This is NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Liu Yan in Beijing. Here is the news. Homicide rate in China is as low as Switzerland, a country known as one of the safest nations. The homicide rate in China last year was 0.7 per 100,000 residents, which is lower than such developed countries as the United States, the United Kingdom and France. Chinese Communist Party's political affairs department made the announcement during a national conference in Dalian, Liaoning province. There has been a consistent decline in severe violent crimes in China, including rape, abduction, robbery, blast, murder and arson. According to Public Security Bureau, the number of the registered cases between January and March has decreased by 16 percent year-on-year. However, the authority pointed out that many crimes nowadays are being committed over the Internet, including commercial fraud, online pyramid schemes and invasion of privacy. It urged the public security departments to set up "online police stations" and to step up efforts to prevent the spread of rumors, firearm-trafficking and drug-trafficking online. This is NEWS Plus Special English. China has sent a satellite into space to aid urban management by monitoring traffic and smog. Pujiang-1 was among four micro-satellites on the carrier rocket Long March-11 that lifted off from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China. Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology said the satellite was designed around the idea of promoting "smart city" construction. It can monitor the weather, traffic and population density of a city. For instance, Pujiang-1 can instantly report the location of oil slick should there be a spill on the Huangpu River in Shanghai. The satellite can also be used to support resources surveys, as well as emergency response and rescue. The designers said its antenna holder was 3D printed, the first time such a process has been used by China in its satellite production. This is NEWS Plus Special English.