Obama Welcomes Agreement to Implement Interim Deal on Iran Nuke Program

Obama Welcomes Agreement to Implement Interim Deal on Iran Nuke Program

2014-01-13    00'34''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

2498 162

U.S. President Barack Obama is promising to sanction① any new legislation② US lawmakers bring forward when it comes to sanctions against Iran. At the same time, Obama is welcoming a new agreement to start implementing③ an interim④ deal on Iran's nuclear program starting a week from now. Under the deal, Iran will start eliminating⑤ its stockpiles⑥ of higher-level enriched uranium. The Iranian side is also going to begin dismantling⑦ some of its enrichment infrastructure⑧. In doing this, sanctions that have been imposed on Iran will be eased. The interim step is meant to lay the ground work for negotiations⑨ among the 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council, plus Germany, to creating a long-term nuclear agreement. 1. sanction 制裁 2. legislation 法律 3. implementing 执行,实施 4. interim 暂时的,临时的 5. eliminating 去除 6. stockpiles 存储 7. dismantling 解除,废除 8. infrastructure 设施 9. negotiation 谈判