No.1 Central Document Targets Rural Reform

No.1 Central Document Targets Rural Reform

2014-01-20    00'26''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

1805 82

The Chinese government has issued its first policy document for this year. As per custom, the document underscores① the importance of rural reforms and maintaining② food security. It puts improving food security at the top of the reform list for 2014 and the next few years. The document also calls for further modernization③ in the agricultural sector to improve productivity. The document issued by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council every year is dubbed④ the "No.1 Central Document". This is the 11th consecutive⑤ year it has focused on rural issues. 1. underscores 凸现 2. maintain 维持 3. modernization 现代化 4. dubbed 被称为 5. consecutive 连续的