优衣库拟在香港二次上市 Uniqlo plans secondary listing in Hong Kong

优衣库拟在香港二次上市 Uniqlo plans secondary listing in Hong Kong

2014-01-28    03'17''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

1904 86

Japanese clothing retailer Uniqlo says it's planning a secondary share listing in Hong Kong, as the company expands its brand across Asia. The new Hong Kong listing has been tentatively① set for March 5th, pending approvals②. The listing in Hong Kong will allow investors③ to be able to buy and sell the Depository Shares in Hong Kong dollars, instead of trading the yen-denominated shares in Tokyo. Fast Retailing, which is the parent company of Uniqlo, says the move is meant to boost its exposure④ to investors and customers in Asia, including China. For more on the issue, we are now joined live by Gao Shang, analyst⑤ with Guantong Futures. Questions: 1.Why the operator of the fast fashion brand chooses Hong Kong for its listing? 2.How will the listing affect Uniqlo's expanding⑥ market share in China? 3.What are the main reasons behind Uniqlo's success in Asia, including China? 4.Now China and Japan are engaged in bitter political tensions. What's your evaluation⑦ of the unwelcoming political climate on the business ties between the two nations, for instance, That's Gao Shang, analyst with Guantong Futures, talking to our news anchor Paul James. 1. tentatively 试验性的 2. approval 许可 3. investors 投资者 4. exposure 曝光度 5. analyst 分析师 6. expanding 扩张 7. evaluation 评价