【思琪闯南极】登陆 Brown Bluff 近距离观察企鹅

【思琪闯南极】登陆 Brown Bluff 近距离观察企鹅

2014-02-17    04'18''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

895 50

Today, our Siqi got the chance to land at a beautiful place called Brown Bluff. There they not only saw the lovely penguins, what’s more exciting is that they were very lucky to have a glacier hiking on a beautiful day. Reporter: Landing ashore is always the most exciting part of traveling to Antarctica. There you can get the chance to watch different species of penguins and seals closely and enjoy the wonderful view of the whole island. And today we landed at Brown Bluff, a towering rust-coloured and ice capped, flat topped mountain. Our tour guide Juan Carlos gave us a brief introduction about this beautiful place. (Sb1, Juan) It’s a continental landing. And Brown Bluff is also home to A**** and G**** Penguins. (penguins) Do you hear the sound? (am) Yes! They are from the lovely penguins. Now I can say penguins are definitely the cutest animal I’ve ever seen. At Brown Bluff, there are two kinds of penguins: A**** and G**** Penguins. It’s very easy to tell. Will Wagstaff is the penguin expert in the expedition team. (SB2, Will) After observing these penguins for half an hour, I found something interesting. Compared to G**** penguins, A**** penguins seem noisier and they never stop. They always keep walking, jumping or swimming. And they always stay together with their friends or families. So you’ll usually see a group of them. And today besides watching the lovely penguins, we were so lucky to get the chance to have glacier hiking, which means a guided walk up a glacier. Walking conditions here were over sections of ice and snow and could be very slippery and difficult in areas. It’s much harder than normal hiking. (am Hana) During the walk, many people gave up. But fortunately, I climbed to the top. The view was fantastic above. So not being on the top, you’ll never know what a wonderful view you can get. But only if conditions allow can you have the opportunity to go glacier hiking. The tour guide Juan Carlos told us there are many conditions, such as it has to to be accessible, the surface can’t be too steep. (Sb3, Juan) So we are really lucky today. But we’re not always so lucky. The weather in Antarctica is always changeable, you’ll never know what will happen in next minute. For example, yesterday, we landed at a placed called penguin island, but right after a few minutes, we were called back to the ship because strong wind is coming. On our way back, the wind became stronger and stronger, all my clothes, bags and gloves got wet by the sea wave even though they are all water-proof. And the tour guide told us once they encountered exactly the same weather when they landed at penguin island. And they were forced to stay there for over 20 hours waiting to be rescued. So now I truly understand the saying that in Antarctica it’s not the clocks or calendars, but the weather to determine you itinerary and timetable. Just like what our expedition leader said, this is Antarctica, you’ll never exciting parts of this white continent.