【鹿鹿逛索契】Day10 中国男子冰壶队挺进四强

【鹿鹿逛索契】Day10 中国男子冰壶队挺进四强

2014-02-18    02'03''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

996 43

1. Lulu, what’s the latest update over there? Morning, Laiming. Well, China has got a bronze medal in the men’s aerials of freestyle skiing late last night, earned by Jia Zongyang. And 2013 world champion QI Guangpu finished fourth. Are we happy about the medal? Yes. But could we have done better? Probably. You know, I metioned this yesterday, we had four men taking part in the freestyle skiing aerials competition and some of them have done very well in the world cup season last year. After the game, bronze medalist Jia Zongyang said that "the women's performance and their scores had an impact on them” The women’s team is also very strong but they only got a silver. So China currently has three golds, two silvers and one bronze, sitting in 10th place on the medals ranking. 2. What else caught your attention? I have kept an eye on curling. Yesterday, Chinese men’s team has defeated Great Britain 6:5 to secure a position in the play-offs. This is the best record for the men’s team. I earlier talked to the head coach of Chinese curling team Marcel Roque, he said his original goal was to make it into the play-offs. So he is happy about that. However, the girls lost to Switzerland 6:10 after losing 5:8 to Japan, they didn’t make it to the semifinals. This doesn’t mean they are not good, they have defeated defending champion Sweden in one of the round-robin games, but their performance has been very consistent. The girls got a bronze medal in the Vancouver Winter Olympics. Other than that, I also went to speak to the popular Jamaican bobsled team last night. They have finished last in the game, but that doesn’t stop them from being the most popular athletes in Sochi. All the spectators were cheering for them, all the journalists wanted to speak with them. The driver Winston Watts says he would like to go to the next Winter Olympics Games, but possibly as a coach rather than an athlete.