【专题】黄怒波巨资“救”文物 Get the Treasures Back Home

【专题】黄怒波巨资“救”文物 Get the Treasures Back Home

2014-02-19    24'00''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

1890 49

中国商人黄怒波捐赠160万美元“换回”7根圆明园石柱。 流入挪威多年的圆明园石柱有望回家!中国商人黄怒波向挪威卑尔根KODE博物馆捐资160万美元,作为回报,该博物馆决定归还其收藏的7根圆明园大理石柱。专家称,这将是继兔首和鼠首后,目前最大一批圆明园回归文物。 A Chinese entrepreneur Huang Nubo has helped return great treasures back to their home country of China from overseas. "My dream is to implement an international campaign called "Get the Treasures Back Home"." Then, we'll get the air filled with romance as we've just celebrated the Vanlentine's Day. We will investigate the charm of Peking Opera in depicting poetic love. Afterwards, we'll travel all the way to Southwest China to find out how the Dong ethnic group expresses their love. And last, but not least, its reading time. Today we want to introduce you to the book "Experience, Attitudes and Social Transition-A Sociological Study of the Post-80s Generation".