【新闻】东风入股标致雪铁龙 Peugeot Signs Rescue Deal with Dongfeng

【新闻】东风入股标致雪铁龙 Peugeot Signs Rescue Deal with Dongfeng

2014-02-20    03'00''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

844 54

法国标致董事会批准了由法国政府及中国第二大汽车制造商东风的联合入股协议。按照协议,法国政府及东风将分别向法国标致注资8亿欧元(约66.5亿元人民币)收购该公司14%股份。 受欧债危机及销量下降影响,法国标致面临巨大资金压力。 Shares of Dongfeng Motors are set to open trading in Hong Kong later this morning following yesterday's announcement, which has seen the Chinese Automaker agree to a major investment in French automaker Peugeot Citroen. As part of the dead, Dongfeng and the French government are investing a combined 800-million euros, or around 1.1-billion US dollars into PSA. Under the deal, this will give Dongfeng, the French government, and the Peugeot family equal 14-percent stakes in the company. This means the Peugeot family's 200-year old hold on the company has evaporated, as it will no longer have a voting veto. The deal will include a share transfer to both Dongfeng and the French government at an over 40-percent discount from Peugeot's current share price. Dongfeng shares in Hong Kong closed down just over 1-percent on Wednesday as investors digested the impact of the deal. For more on this, Our Shane Bigham spoke earlier with Cao Can, our financial commentator.