

2014-02-25    54'00''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

1297 77

In Italy last week, the youthful, energetic mayor of Florence Matteo Renzi was sworn in by President Napolitano as the fourth different Prime Minister in three years--a third consecutive unelected leader that Italy has had--after an internal coup within the ruling centre-left Democratic Party. One reason cited for ousting Enrico Letta from his position was his seeming inability to steer the country through one of its most difficult economic periods. No doubt, though, Renzi's own personal ambition played its part, too. But the difficult task begins now--can Renzi do better than Letta? He's often accused of being style-over-substance but many are sceptical. - Stefano Albertini, Clinical Associate Professor of Italian, Director of Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimo, Department of Italian Studies, New York University - Spencer Di Scala, Professor of History, College of Liberal Arts, University of Massachusetts at Boston - Cui Hongjian, Head of the European Studies Department, China Institute of International Studies