

2014-03-06    01'21''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

1917 68

音频来自 China Drive 亚洲预选赛昨晚上演中国队对伊拉克队,排在小组第3的中国队,本来只要战平就可以出线的,但是偏偏最后还是以1-3输掉了。不过这故事没完,在当晚进行另一场比赛中,泰国以2比5输给了黎巴嫩,这样中国队凭借一个净胜球的优势留在了第三,晋级了决赛圈。 这是一个让人哭笑不得的故事,但中国球迷们还是找到了正能量,发自内心地感谢泰国队牺牲自己保送中国队。中泰友谊万岁! In football at the Asian Cup group stage, the fate of the Chinese team took dramatic twists and turns. China was ranked No.3 in the group of 4, and needed only a draw with Iraq in last night's match to proceed to the final stage. But we lost the game 1-3 nonetheless, and slided to the bottom of the group. However, just as Chinese football fans were ready to give up all hope, Thailand lost 2-5 to Lebanon in the same group. So by goal difference, China remained No.3 in the group, and now remains eligible to the final stage. This dramatic turn of events has sparked Chinese fans to thank the Thai team who helped us out. Many posted messages on the microblog saying "Long Live the friendship between China and Thailand".