Lesson 6 Time
1. What time is it, please?
What time is it by your watch, please?
100 one hundred
1000 one thousand
1,0000 ten thousand
10,0000 one hundred thousand
100,0000 one million
1000,000,000 one billion
2. 几点过几分 ——past
3点过5分 5 past 3
8点过12 12 past 8
3. 几点差几分 ——to
5点差20 20 to 5
6点差12 12 to 6
4. 正午12点 it's noon/ it's 12 noon
午夜12点 it's midnight/ it's 12 midnight
5. 15分可用 a quarter 表示
1:15 a quarter past one
2:30 half past two
6. 整点表达
1点钟 it's one/ it's one o'clock
2点钟 it's two/ it's two o'clock
7.上午 a.m.(A.M.) 下午 p.m.(P.M.)
it's 5:20 a.m. 现在是上午5:20
it's 5:20 p.m 现在是下午5:20
8. on time 准时
Please be here on time.