【故事】8. Protesting Sea World

【故事】8. Protesting Sea World

2015-04-02    02'25''

主播: 开口英语

2045 85

练习方法:先不看文本听3遍以上,尽量听清每个发音,然后将故事听写出来,可以发到我们电台社区的贴吧作为作业。接着看文本,改正听写的错误,并弄懂每句话,每个词。然后不看文本同步跟读,直到能流利朗读并完全理解,最后用自己的话将故事复述出来。 8. Protesting Sea World 抵制海洋世界 Sea World is one of the most famous parks in the world. Thousands of people visit each year. Most of them go to see the dolphins and whales perform tricks. This is something they could never see in the wild. 海洋世界是世界上最著名的公园之一(澳大利亚昆士兰的著名主题公园),每年有成千上万的人参观。大部分人都是去看海豚和鲸鱼表演杂技的。这是他们在野外不可能看到的 Sea World has been under a lot of pressure lately. Thousands of people have been protesting the parks. These people say that dolphins and whales should not be forced to live in such small spaces. They should also never be forced to perform pointless tricks. Most people are starting to agree with this. Sea World will hopefully start listening to the protestors soon. 海洋世界最近承受着很大的压力。成千上万的人一直在抵制他们的公园。他们说海豚和鲸鱼不应该被强迫住在这么小的空间里,他们也不应该被强迫去做无谓的表演。大部分人已经开始同意这个观点了。很快,海洋世界将有希望开始听这些抵制者的话