【故事】10. All you can eat

【故事】10. All you can eat

2015-04-05    02'29''

主播: 开口英语

1680 81

练习方法:先不看文本听3遍以上,尽量听清每个发音,然后将故事听写出来,可以发到我们电台社区的贴吧作为作业。接着看文本,改正听写的错误,并弄懂每句话,每个词。然后不看文本同步跟读,直到能流利朗读并完全理解,最后用自己的话将故事复述出来。 10. All you can eat 全都可以吃 Robert's family got together every Sunday. They always had lunch together. Each week, they went to the same restaurant. It was an "All-You-Can-Eat Buffet". Robert's family loved eating. This was the perfect restaurant for them. 罗伯特的加人每周日都要聚一下,他们总是一起吃午饭。每周他们都去同样的餐厅,那是一家自助餐厅。罗伯特的家人很喜欢吃。这餐厅对他们来说是极好的。 Robert's mom always ate the most. She would serve herself at least four plates for one meal. His dad was a picky eater. The buffet gave him plenty of options. Aunt Nancy loved the buffet the most. She always brought a bag with her. She would make sure no one was looking at her. Then, she would drop food into the bag. Her bag was three times bigger than before by the time she left. 罗伯特的妈妈总是吃的最多,她一顿至少要吃4盘。他的爸爸对吃很挑剔,自助餐给了他很多的选择。南希阿姨最喜欢自助餐了。她总是带着一个包。她在确保没人看着她后,然后把食物装进包里。她走的时候包包比之前大了三倍!