【故事】14. Back to school

【故事】14. Back to school

2015-04-11    02'29''

主播: 开口英语

1843 85

练习方法:先不看文本听3遍以上,尽量听清每个发音,然后将故事听写出来,可以发到我们电台社区的贴吧作为作业。接着看文本,改正听写的错误,并弄懂每句话,每个词。然后不看文本同步跟读,直到能流利朗读并完全理解,最后用自己的话将故事复述出来。 14. Back to School 重返学校 Mr. Gonzales was a janitor. He was unhappy with his career. He was a smart man. He knew he could do more with his life. Mr. Gonzales wanted to go back to college. He had always dreamed of becoming a teacher. If he finished college, this could come true. 冈萨雷斯先生是个门卫,他对自己的职业很不满。他是个聪明的人,他知道自己的人生不局限于此。冈萨雷斯先生想回去读大学,他一直都梦想能当一名老师。如果他能读完大学,这个梦想就能实现。 Mr. Gonzales was forty years old. His children told him he was too old to go back to college. "You will look like a grandpa," they joked. "That's not true!" said Mr. Gonzales. "I will be the wisest student there!" Mr. Gonzales graduated from college four years later. His children were very proud of him. 冈萨雷斯先生已经四十岁了。他的儿女们觉得他的年纪太大了,不适合回去读书。“你会看起来像个爷爷的”他们开玩笑道。冈萨雷斯先生说,“才不是这样的,我会是最聪明的学生”。四年后,冈萨雷斯先生从大学毕业了。他的孩子们都为他感到很自豪。 Ryan的话:年龄不是问题,更不是借口!我有好几个四十多岁的学生依然坚持每天练英语,想要用英语自由沟通,就努力坚持吧!