

2015-04-25    00'16''

主播: 开口英语

14263 83

......Part B...... Excuse me. Do you have a blue dress my size? 甲:女士,打扰一下。你这儿有合乎我尺寸的蓝色洋装吗? I think so. Let me take your measurements. OK. How about this dress over here? 乙:我想有的。让我量一下你的尺寸。好了,这边的这件洋装如何? Do you have a fitting room? 甲:你们有试衣间吗? It's in the corner over there. 乙:就在那边的角落里。 Thank you. 甲:谢谢。 You're welcome. 乙:不客气。