40. Las Vegas 拉斯维加斯
Michael lived in Minnesota. He was visiting the West Coast. His friends were going to show him around. "I just want to see Las Vegas!" said Michael. "Are you sure?" asked his friends. Michael insisted. He had always wanted to go to Las Vegas. Michael had seen a lot of movies about Vegas. Everything looked very bright and fancy. He couldn't wait to see it.
When they arrived, Michael was confused. The streets all looked dirty and old. In the movies, everyone looked happy. In reality, half of the people were drunk. The other half was angry from losing money in casinos. "This isn't what I pictured," said Michael.
当他们到的时候,迈克糊涂了。街道看起来很脏很旧。电影里人们都很开心,但现实是,一半的人都喝醉了。剩下的一半都因为在赌场输了钱而气愤不已。 迈克说,“这跟我想象中完全不一样啊”