

2015-05-30    03'41''

主播: 开口英语

2645 84

1. check into a/the hotel 在旅馆或酒店办理登记手续 =check in (at a/the hotel) We will check into a hotel as soon as we get to Taichung. 我们一抵达台中就会去旅馆办理住宿手续 Let's check in before we have lunch at the hotel. 我们先在旅馆办理住宿手续再去吃饭吧 2. check out (of a/the hotel) 办理退房手续 If you check out after 12 noon, you'll have to pay for another day. 如果你中午12点之后才退房,就要多付一天的钱 3. fill out=fill in 填写(表格、文件...) Before the job interview, you have to fill out an application form. 在工作面试前,你必须先填申请表 4. pay by cash 付现金 by charge=by credit card 刷卡 I always pay for things by cash. 我买东西向来是付现金 It's easy to overspend when you have a credit card. 当你有信用卡时就很容易花钱过度 charge还可作动词表示收费、要价 charge+人+钱+for+物 The tutor charges his student $10 an hour for english lessons. 那个家教教一小时英语课向学生收费10美元 5. luggage=baggage 行李,不可数 其他类似的词: bag 袋子,包 handbag 手提包 box 箱子 suitcase 手提箱 briefcase 公文包