

2015-06-18    00'56''

主播: 开口英语

1810 39

11. My Laptop Is So Slow A: My laptop is so slow. B: Buy a new one. A: I would if I had the money. B: Why is it so slow? A: That's a good question. B: Did you take it to a computer shop? A: I would if I had the money. B: Well, I guess you have to live with it. A: Sometimes I want to throw it out the window. B: You don't want to do that. A: Why not? B: You might hit someone in the head. 11. 我的笔记本太慢了 我的笔记本太慢了。 买个新的呗。 如果我有钱就买了。 为什么这么慢呢? 问得好。 你拿去电脑店看了吗? 如果我有钱就去了。 好吧,我觉得你也只能将就了。 有时候我想把它扔出窗外。 你不会想那么做的。 为什么? 因为你可能会砸到别人的头。