

2015-07-07    00'27''

主播: 开口英语

11117 54

A: Wow! Look at that elephant. It's gigantic! 甲:哇!看那头大象,好大喔! B: It sure is. 乙:的确是。 A: Can I feed it? 甲:我可以喂它吗? B: No. There's a no-feeding sign over there. 乙:不行。那儿有一个禁止喂食的标志。 A: Poor elephant. 甲:可怜的大象。 B: There aren't many elephants left in the world, are there? 乙:世界上所剩的大象不多了,不是吗? A: People kill them for their tusks. Now they are an endangered species. 甲:人们为取得象牙而杀害它们,现在它们成了濒临绝种的动物。 B: Man sometimes behaves worse than animals. 乙:人类的行为有时候连禽兽都不如。