

2015-09-01    09'47''

主播: 开口英语

1255 34

The Flying Turtle 飞行的乌龟 One bright sunny morning, Mr. Turtle gets bored in the water. He plans to go out on the shore. Turtle: I am tired of swimming all day. I’ll go out on the shore today. Fish: Good morning, Mr. Turtle. Where are you going so early? Turtle: Well, I’m going out of the water. I plan to walk along the shore. Fish: On the shore?! I envy you, Mr. Turtle. Turtle: Why is that? Fish: Well, if I go out of the water, I’ll die. So you are very lucky. Please tell me about the outside world. What is out there? Turtle: Well, Mrs. Fish, there is so much to see. I don’t know where to begin. First, there are trees and mountains. Second, there are houses and people. Third, there is the sky. Fish: Tell me about the sky! Turtle: It is blue and beautiful. It is also bigger than the sea. You can see everything from there. But you must fly. Fish: You are lucky, Mr. Turtle. But can you fly, too? Turtle: Well, uh… Of Course. It’s easy. I’ll teach you someday. Fish: Really? You promise? Turtle: I must go now. I’m a little busy today. I’ll talk to you later. Fish: Okay. I’m sorry. Please go now. I’ll see you later. Have a nice day. Turtle: Thank you. You too. Bye. Bye. Mrs. Fish and Mr. Turtle part. Mr. Turtle is out on the shore. He walks around. Turtle: Look at all those trees. It’s so beautiful here. Hey, what’s that? It’s a bird. Look at it fly. Birds are so lucky. I wish I were a bird. I wish I could fly, too. Just then, a little butterfly lands on a flower for a moment. Then it flies away again. Turtle: It’s so unfair. Even that little butterfly can fly. Why can’t I ? I want to fly, too. Eagle: Hello there, Mr. Turtle. What did you just say? Turtle: Oh, it’s you, Mrs. Eagle. I said I want to fly. Hey. Perhaps, you can teach me? Eagle: Ha, ha, ha. You must be joking. How can a turtle fly? Turtle: Why not? You can teach me. Eagle: That’s nonsense. You don’t even have wings. And you are too heavy. Turtle: Why do I need wings? Eagle: You need wings to fly. Turtle: Oh no. Boo-hoo. Then I can’t fly? Eagle: No. But you can swim. I can’t. So cheer up. Turtle: How about this, Mrs. Eagle? Eagle: What? Turtle: Can you take me up? Eagle: It’s too dangerous. Turtle: Oh, please! Just this once. I want to see the land and the sea from the sky. I’ll do anything for you. Eagle: Well, I don’t know. It’s dangerous up there. What if you fall? Turtle: Don’t worry. I’ll hold on tight. I’ll be careful. The turtle keeps begging. The Eagle cannot say “no” any longer. She agrees to take the Turtle up into the sky. Eagle: Okay, Mr. Turtle. Just this once. Never again. Turtle: Oh, thank you so much. Eagle: Okay, now hold on tight. Let’s go up. One, two, three. Whee… The Eagle takes the Turtle up into sky. Turtle: Oh my goodness! It’s scary up here. Eagle: Are you okay? Do you want to go back down? Turtle: No, no. I’m fine now. Look below. It’s so beautiful. I feel like I’m flying. Eagle: Okay. Let’s go down now. Turtle: No. No. I want to go up higher. Eagle: It’s too dangerous. The turtle insists. So the Eagle takes him up even higher. Turtle: It is so wonderful up here. I think I can fly by myself now. Eagle: What?! Are you crazy? You can’t fly by yourself! Turtle: Yes, I can. I’ll show you. Please, let me go. Eagle: As you please. But I warned you. Good luck. The Eagle lets go and the Turtle starts to go down. The Fish sees the Turtle falling down. Turtle: What’s happening? Why am I not flying? Oh no!!! I should have stayed on the land. Fish: Hey, why isn’t Mr. Turtle flying? He is coming down really fast. Be careful, Mr. Turtle! There’s a big rock below. (splash and crack) The Turtle lands on a big rock and his back breaks into a thousand pieces. Fish: Poor Mr. Turtle. I don’t envy him anymore. MORAL : Know your limits. 要有自知之明。