

2015-09-15    08'33''

主播: 开口英语

918 31

The Shepherd Boy and the Wolf 牧童与狼 A Shepherd Boy tends his master’s Sheep every day. He takes the Sheep to a hill not far from the village. There the Sheep eat the grass. Boy: We’re here. Go ahead and eat. Sheep: Baaa…Baaa… While the Sheep enjoy their meal, the Shepherd Boy lies down on the grass and looks up at the sky. Boy: What a beautiful day! It’s so peaceful here. The Shepherd Boy is alone on the hill. He has nothing else to do. Boy: I’m getting bored. There is no one to talk to. And there’s nothing to do. What can I do for fun? The Shepherd Boy is famous for playing tricks. Suddenly, he comes up with an idea. Boy: Ah ha! I got it! I will play a trick on the villagers. It will be fun. The Shepherd Boy goes running down the hill to the village. Boy: A Wolf! A Wolf! It’s a wolf! Please help me! Please save my Sheep! Villager: What?! Did you say ’a Wolf’? Boy: Yes, please help me! Villager1: Where’s the Wolf? I’ll help. Boy: Follow me! Villager2: I’ll help, too. Villager3: Wait for me! The three villagers follow The Shepherd Boy up the hill. They all carry sticks to drive away the Wolf. Villager3: Where is it? Villager2: Yes, where is the Wolf? Villager1: Did it go away? Boy: Perhaps. Villager1: Did you really see it? Boy: Perhaps. Villager1: You’re not sure? Boy: Perhaps. Villager3: What are you saying? Boy: Ha!Ha!Ha! There is no Wolf! I was just bored. Villager3: What?! You tricked us? Villager2: We come here for nothing? Villager1: How can you play such a terrible trick? You should be punished! The three angry villages return to the village. The Shepherd Boy just keeps on laughing. Boy: (chuckle)Ha, ha, ha. I can’t stop laughing. How funny they looked! A few days later, The Shepherd Boy gets bored again. Boy: What a boring day! What can I do for fun this time? I know. I’ll play the same trick one more time. The Shepherd Boy again runs down to the village screaming. Boy: Please, help me! It’s a Wolf! It’s really there! I’m not fooling you! Villager1: Are you sure this time? Boy: Of course. I saw it with my own two eyes. Villager2: How big was it? Boy: It was very big. Bigger than you. Villager3: you better be telling the truth. Boy: Would I lie again? Villager1: Okay, let’s drive away the Wolf. Again the three villagers run quickly up to the hill, but there is no Wolf. Only the Sheep are there peacefully eating the grass. Villager1: Where is it, boy? Where’s the Wolf? Boy: I don’t know. It was here before. Villager2: Be careful everyone. It may be hiding behind a tree. The Shepherd Boy cannot help laughing. Boy: You are all so foolish. There is no Wolf. Villager1: What?! You tricked us again? Boy: Yes. I’m sorry, but I was too bored. Villager2: You said it was a big Wolf. Boy: I just made it up. Villager1: How can you do this to us? Boy: But it was just a joke. You understand, don’t you? Villager3: You will be sorry someday. Villager2: If you keep lying, no one will every believe you. Villager1: From now on stop lying. Boy: All right. I said I was sorry. Villager3: Let’s go everyone. The three villagers are even more angry the second time. Boy: What fun! They were all fooled again. Ha, ha, ha. I will try it again later. A few days pass and The Shepherd Boy is on the hill. As usual he is lying down on the grass looking up at the sky. He hears a strange cry. Wolf: A-whooo! Boy: What’s that?! It sounds like a Wolf. I’m so scared. What shall I do? Just then a big Wolf jumps out from behind a tree and starts eating all of the Sheep. The Shepherd Boy runs down the hill to the village. Boy: Wolf! Wolf! Everyone come quickly! Please! Help me! All my Sheep are dying! Villager1: Oh, hi there, boy. Playing tricks again today? Boy: No, I’m not! This time I’m really telling the truth! Villager1: Sure. You can’t fool me again. Go along, boy. Villager2: What’s the matter, boy? Boy: A Wolf really came today! Please come with me! Villager2: I don’t believe you. Go along, boy. Boy: No! Please believe me! Villager3: I won’t be fooled three times. Go along, boy. Boy: Boo-hoo! Now no one believes me. All my Sheep will be killed. MORAL No one believes a liar even when he tells the truth.