

2015-10-09    08'54''

主播: 开口英语

2864 29

The Farmer and the Eagle 农夫与老鹰 The Farmer is a very jolly and kind man. He is also diligent. He wakes up early every morning and goes to work smiling. Farmer: Hmm… The air is so fresh this morning. And the sun is also so bright. It’s a beautiful day! Look at those birds and flowers. I fell so happy. The Farmer always sings while he works in his field. Farmer: La, la, la. La, la, la. La, la, la. La, la, la I’m finished for today. I better go home now. On his way home, the Farmer hears a strange sound. Farmer: What is that sound? It sounds like a bird’s cry. It must be in danger. I must go and help. The Farmer follows the cry. Farmer: Where is that cry coming from? Eagle: Over here, sir. Please come quickly. Please, help me. I am trapped. Farmer: There you are! I found you at last! Poor bird. Are you okay? Please wait. I will get you out. Eagle: Please hurry! My wings hurt. The Farmer tries his best. He cuts the net with his knife. Farmer: I’m almost done. There are you The net is cut. You are free now. Fly away. The Eagle is freed from the net, but he doesn't fly away. He is injured. Eagle: I can’t move. My wings hurt. Boo-hoo-hoo. Farmer: Don't cry. What’s the matter, Eagle? Are you hurt? Oh, your wings! Don't worry. I’ll take care of you. You will fly again. Eagle: Really? I can’t believe it. You’re not going to eat me? The Farmer takes the Eagle to his house. He takes good care of the Eagle. Farmer: You are getting better every day. You’ll be able to fly soon. Eat this, it’s very delicious. Eagle: You are a kind man. I will never forget your kindness. The Eagle is almost well. But the Farmer’s neighbors hear about the Eagle and tell the Farmer to sell it. Neighbor: I hear you have an Eagle. Farmer: Why yes, how did you know? Neighbor: What are you going to do with it? Farmer: Let it go, of course. Neighbor: You must be kidding! Eagle meat is good medicine. You should eat it. Neighbor2: No, no, don't do that. Eagles are worth a lot of money. You should sell it and get a good price. Neighbor: That’s right. Farmer: Thanks for the advice. But I’m going to let it go. Neighbor: Tsk. Tsk. Nieghbor2: He must be crazy. The neighbors can’t understand the Farmer. They leave the house. A few days later, the Eagle’s wings are cured. Farmer: Okay, Eagle. Flap your wings. Try to fly a little. Yes, that’s it! Very good. Now you can fly again. Eagle: My wings don't hurt anymore. I can really fly again. Thank you, Farmer. The Eagle flies away. Farmer: Look at it fly! What a beautiful bird! Weeks pass and the Farmer forgets about the Eagle. The Farmer is tired today and decides to take a nap. He lies down on the grass next to a big, high wall. The Eagle sees the Farmer. Eagle: Get up, Farmer! Quickly! The Eagle flaps his wings hard. The Farmer hears it and wakes up. Farmer: Oh, hello there, Eagle. How have you been? Are your wings okay? But you look worried. What’s wrong? Eagle: I must warm him. What can I do? I know! Then suddenly, the Eagle snatches the Farmer’s hat. Farmer: Hey, give it back! What are you doing? Come back! Eagle: He’s following me. That’s good. It’s safe over there. I’ll drop the hat there. The eagle drops the Farmer’s hat far away from the wall. The Farmer picks it up. Farmer: Naughty, Eagle. Why did you do that? Suddenly the old wall tumbles down. Farmer: Oh my goodness! Look at that! I could have been hurt. Now I understand. Thanks, Eagle. You saved my life. You are the king of all birds. Good-bye MORAL If you are kind to someone, he will someday repay you.