

2015-09-18    00'23''

主播: 开口英语

5227 50

Lesson 24 it's Mine Teacher: Whose test paper is this? Bob : It's mine, ma'am. Teacher: And whose test paper is this? Bob : It's Tony's, ma'am. Teacher: And why are your answers exactly the same as his? Bob : Because Tony has eyes in the back of his head. 它是我的 老师:这是谁的测验卷? 鲍勃:这是我的,老师。 老师:那么,这又是谁的测验卷? 鲍勃:那是托尼的,老师。 老师:那么,为什么你的答案与他的完全一样呢? 鲍勃:因为托尼的脑袋后面长了眼睛。