【故事】78. Jason's First Ticket

【故事】78. Jason's First Ticket

2015-11-04    01'25''

主播: 开口英语

1582 36

78. Jason's First Ticket 杰森的第一张罚单 Jason Hernandez was driving on the freeway. He was in a rush to get home. He needed to watch the Baseball final. Suddenly, he saw flashing red lights behind him, and then a siren sounded. A policeman pulled him over to the side. 杰森埃尔南德斯正在高速公路上驾驶,他急着赶回家,因为他要看棒球决赛。突然,他看见后面有红色的闪光,然后警笛响了。一个警察让他把车停到路边。 Jason was terrified. He had never gotten a ticket before. The policeman came to his window, and asked him if he knew he had been speeding. Jason couldn't speak. He wanted to reply, "Yes sir, I apologize." However, as soon as he opened his mouth, Jason started sobbing. 杰森吓坏了,他还从来没吃过罚单。警察走到他的窗前,问他是否知道自己超速了。杰森说不出话来,他想回答,“是的警官,我很抱歉”但是,他一张开嘴,就开始抽泣了起来。 The policeman was surprised. He hadn't seen a thirty-year-old man cry like a three-year-old baby. After, chuckling a little bit, the police let Jason go with just a warning. It was his lucky day. 警察很惊讶,他从来没见过一个30岁的人像个3岁小孩一样哭。然后,警察轻声笑了一下,只是给了杰森一个警告就让他走了。今天算他走运。