

2015-11-01    00'34''

主播: 开口英语

5878 51

Lesson 45 What a Nightmare! Jeff had a terrible day. He missed the train to work. More over, he had to wait a long time for the next train. As a matter of fact, he waited for two hours. To make matters worse, he left his briefcase on the train. As a result, he had to go to the police station. Poor Jeff never got to work that day. What a nightmare! 真是恶梦一场啊! 杰夫过了很糟的一天。他上班没赶上火车。而且,他得久候 下一班火车的到来。事实上,他等了两个小时。更糟的是,他把 手提箱留在火车上了。结果,他得到警察局走一趟。可怜的杰夫 那一天根本上不了斑。真是恶梦一场啊!