

2016-09-26    00'38''

主播: 开口英语

2017 17

4. He Who Hesitates Is Lost 第4课 迟疑者将丧失良机 Mike is in Vienna with his girlfriend Daisy. (M=Mike; D=Daisy) 麦克和他的女朋友黛西现在正在维也纳。 Are you having a good time, Daisy? 你玩得愉快吗,黛西? Are you kidding? I'm having the time of my life. 开玩笑!我正在享受我一生最快乐的时光。 I loved the concerts. 我爱死那些演奏会了。 Concert going is fantastic but what else can we do? 去听演奏会固然很棒,但是我们还可以做些什么呢? Biking along the banks of the river Danube could be fun. 沿着多瑙河河岸骑自行车应该蛮好玩的。 It sounds like a great idea! 这个主意听起来非常不错! Let's do it then. 那我们快去吧。 You're right. As they say, "He who hesitates is lost." 你说得对。就像人们说的:“迟疑者将丧失良机。”