

2016-10-06    00'43''

主播: 开口英语

2647 19

5. Bungee Jumping 蹦极 Bungee jumping looks like fun. 蹦极看起来蛮好玩的。 It makes me nervous just to watch someone do it. 光是看别人做这件事就会让我紧张。 It certainly takes a lot of guts to jump one thousand feet above the water with only a rope tied to your legs. 双腿只用一条绳索绑着,从水面上一千尺的高度跳下的确需要很大的胆量。 It scares me just to think about it. 光是想到这点就够让我害怕的了。 However, it is something I really want to do one day. 可是,这是我总有一天真的想做的事。 Some people think I'm crazy. 有些人认我疯了。 They say to jump is foolish enough, 他们说去跳就已经够蠢了, but to have to pay for it is madness. 而还要付钱则不啻为疯狂的行为。 I don't agree. 我并不同意。 For me, to live a short and exciting life is far better than to live a long and boring one. 对我来说,过个短暂而刺激的生比过漫长却无聊的日子好得多。 What do you think? 你认为呢?
上一期: 每日口语49
下一期: 每日口语50