

2016-11-08    02'50''

主播: 开口英语

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最实用、最地道的口语课! 请在 kkyy.ke.qq.com报名本课程,或直接百度搜“开口英语”进入我们腾讯课堂 Grandpa:Here are the fliers1, hot off the press2! Ellen:[She takes some fliers.] Looks good. Simple. Marilyn:Right over here, Grandpa. You fold3 the fliers. Richard and I will put them into the envelopes4. Richard:We finished addressing5 over three hundredenvelopes. Grandpa:Need another box? Ellen:Good work, gang. Mike:[ speaking on the phone ] Hi, this is Mike Johnson. Can I speak with Mr. or Mrs. Anderson? Thanks. Robbie:[ speaking on the phone ] Mr. Nelson. Hi. Thisis Bobbie Stewart. Did you know my mother is running for the school board? Jimmy:[ speaking on the phone ] Yes, Miss Kim, Ellen Stewart. “She cares. ” Oh, see you at the polls6. [ He hangs up the phone, picks it up again, and dials another number.] Robbie:Certainly, I'll give her your best wishes, Mr.Nelson. Mike:[ speaking on the phone ] Hi, this is Mike Johnson. Can I speak with Mr. or Mrs. Burns? Thank you. Ellen:We have done so much in such a short amountof time7. I can't believe it! Wait till Philip comes home and sees our progress8! Robbie:Everyone saw the story in the Riverdale newspaper. Ellen:Mr. Maxwell was very kind to print my announcement. Grandpa:It helps enormously9. Everybody in Riverdalereads his paper. Richard:Your photo in it helped, too. Ellen:Thanks to you, Richard. It's a good picture. 10 Philip:[He enters.]Well, hi, all.11 Richard & Robbie:Hi, Dad. Ellen:Hello, darling. Philip:May I … may I help? Marilyn:[ She murmurs12 yes.] Licking envelopes. 13 Grandpa:I fold the fliers. Richard:We stuff 14 them Philip:And I lick the envelopes. Robbie:Hey, everybody, Mrs. Greenberg is on the phone. She says Carter Boswell is on the TV right now----doing a commercial15. Philip:What channel16? Robbie:Five. Philip:Five? [ He turns on the television .] [They all watch the TV .] Boswell:…and if you ask what I care about, I'll tell you. I care about the school buildings in need of paint17. I care about more lockers18 for the teachers. I care about new fixtures19 in the hallways----not music or dancing or entertainment. I care about the practical20 things. Ifyou do, vote for me, Carter Boswell. Ellen:A lot of people will agree with him. Philip:I told you. Robbie:Too bad kids can't vote. It's our school, but we can't vote. Richard:There are people in favor of 21 the cultural programs, Mom. Marilyn:There are, Ellen. Don't be upset by Boswell's commercial. Philip:You have to go on television, too. Ellen:Boswell's a powerful speaker. Philip:You can be, too. Your ideas are good ones. Ellen:I don't know. I'm not sure I'm up to it 22.
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