

2016-12-20    05'21''

主播: 开口英语

561 55

请在kkyy.ke.qq.com报名此免费课程 Ellen: ...my slogan is "I care". I care about people, not things, Vote for me, Ellen Stewart. I care. How was it? Richard: You were terrific! Ellen: Can I see it? Richard: Sure. Ellen: Hello. My name is Ellen Stewart, and I'm running for the open seat on the school board. My slogan is "I care". What does the word care mean?...I care about people, not things. Vote for me, Ellen Stewart. I care. Philip: I like it, but now what? How can we possibly get it on so Riverdale will see it and hear it? Richard: Leave it to me. Ellen: ...I mean that when I say "I care". I care about people, not things. Vote for me, Ellen Stewart. I care. Marilyn: What happened? Richard: Mom is now on television in every appliance store in Riverdale, except Hamlin's. He's a Boswell voter. Philip: That's a brilliant idea, Richard! Grandpa: You inherited your father's brains. Philip: We got our brains from you, Day. Richard: And guess what? I called channel five. Their TV news is going to cover it. "Housewife campaigns in appliance stores." And I'll bet some magazine will pick up the story, too. Robbie: Mom, you're going to win! I know it! Philip: Hold it, Robbie! Just cool down. I know we're getting some attention now, but in the end the voters will have to decide. Grandpa: You're going to win. Trust me! Reporter: In the hotly contested race for the one seat on the Riverdale School Board, Mrs.Ellen Stewart has taken an early lead. Robbie: She's winning! Mom, you're winning! Reporter: Now returning to other local news...Riverdale High School beat its rival Horace Mann in baseball today... Ellen: It's too soon to know for certain. Philip: You're ahead. That's better than being behind. Reporter: More sports after this. Ellen: It's not over yet. Let's just all calm down, and wait for the final results. Grandpa: Ellen, why don't you go out to the backyard and get some fresh air? Ellen: Thank you, Grandpa. I need some. Ellen: What happened? Philip: You came very close, Ellen. Grandpa: You lost by only a hundred and twenty-one votes. Ellen: I lost. Richard: You tried, Mom. Marilyn: You lost by a very small number of votes. Robbie: Only one hundred and twenty-one votes! I'm sorry, Mom. Ellen: There just wasn't enough time. Philip: Look, you've made a very strong impressing on our community. You'll have another chance next election. Philip: Hello. Oh, yes, yes, Mr.Maxwell. Ellen: Hello Mr.Maxwell. Maxwell: How are you? I just called to tell you that you are very impressive. You lost the election, but you won the attention of the residents of Riverdale, of Boswell, and of me. Ellen: Well, thank you, Mr. Maxwell. I appreciate your kind words. I needed that. Maxwell: I hear Boswell wants to appoint you to a special arts committee. I'm sending over a reporter in the morning to interview you. Ellen: You are? Maxwell: I'm going to do an article on "Ellen Stewart-she cares. "Maybe we'll all care now. Good-bye. Ellen: Thank you-and good-bye. Philip: What was that about? Ellen: You were right, Philip. I did make a difference in town. Robbie: And in this family.