

2017-01-23    00'51''

主播: 开口英语

1857 9

29. Just a Dream 第29课 恶梦一场 One day I was at home listening to music when suddenly I felt a pain in my neck. 有一天我在家里听音乐的时候,脖子突然感到疼痛。 As I tried to turn my head, I heard my neck crack. 当我想要转头时,便听到自己的脖子发出啪啪的声音。 I got the fright of my life. 我吓得魂都没了。 I was so scared that I could feel my legs trembling. 我怕得可以感觉到自己的腿在抖。 "What's the matter with me?" I thought to myself. 我心里想:“我到底怎么了?” Just then, I felt myself slapped by someone. 就在那时,我感觉到自己被人拍了一下。 I opened my eye and saw my teacher standing over me with an angry look in his face. 我睁开眼睛看到老师面有愠色的站在我身边。 I realized then that I had been dreaming. 当时我恍然大悟,原来我是在做梦。 I didn't mind getting caught dozing off in class. 我倒不在乎上课打瞌睡被逮到: I was happy what happened was just a dream. 我很高兴那只是一场梦。