恭喜了 Charlie 今天是个很特别的日子 Well, Charlie, today is a very special day.
今天是你的一周岁生日 It's your first birthday!
一家子都激动得要为你庆祝呢 The whole family's excited to celebrate.
生日快乐 甜心 Happy Birthday, sweetie.
我爱你哦 小宝贝 I love you, baby girl.
你是最棒的哟 You're the best.
我就是来等着吃蛋糕的 I'm just here for the cake.
好吧 Duncan一家五人中有四个比较激动 Well, four out of the five Duncans are excited.
好啦 谁想送给Charlie她人生的第一份生日礼物 Okay, who wants to give Charlie her first present?
哦 我来 我来 Oh, I do, I do!
看来PJ想要第一个表现哦 I think p.J. Wants to go first.
你还记得你以前说过她需要有件睡衣吗 Okay, you know how you said she needed something to sleep in?
看这个 Well...
看到没 PJ版的睡衣呀 Get it? P.J.'s pjs.
-很酷吧 老爸 - 呃 是不错 - Pretty cool, huh, dad?- Yeah, they're great.
你能喜欢真是太好了 因为其实那家店是有二合一套餐的 I'm glad you like them--because there was a two-for-one deal...
提前恭祝你今年生日快乐了 老爸 Happy early birthday, dad.
小伙子 这礼物还真难转送出去 Boy, those are gonna be tough to regift.
到你了 Gabe Your turn, Gabe.
就在桌上那个棕色袋子里头 It's in the brown bag on the table.
喔唷 你的包装还真不错啊 Oooh, nice presentation.
《死吧 僵尸 去死》 "Die, Zombies, Die"?
咋啦 打僵尸要从娃娃抓起 Hey, you're never too young to learn how to kill zombies.
好啦 下一个还是瞧我的 Okay, I'm next.
好吧 让我们来瞧瞧这里头有啥 All right, let's see what we have here.
好漂亮呀 So pretty.
哦 宝贝 Oh, baby.
Teddy 这可真贴心 Teddy, that is so sweet.
是吧 至少这不是《死吧 僵尸 去死》 Well, it's no "Die, Zombies, Die."
哎呀 这不是Charlie出生那天我们拍的照片吗 Hey, that's the picture we took the day Charlie was born.
那天可真够乱套的 不是吗 What a crazy day, huh?
一开始一点也不乱套啊 It didn't start out that way.
我还记得是多么兴奋地带着你这小快活球到处跑呢 I remember how excited I was to be carrying my little bundle of joy.
噢哟 我真等不及要把这玩意儿弄出去了 Oh, I can't wait to get this thing out of here!
你听见了没 快出去 You heard her-- get out.
她说的是肚子里的婴儿啦 对吗 妈妈 She's talking about the baby. Right, mom?
哇塞 这是啥怪味儿 Whoa, what is that smell?
我怀孕了 我会胀气 你该习惯了 I'm pregnant. I have gas. Deal with it.
不 不是那个 比那还糟呢 No, not that. It's worse.
确实如此 其实这怪味就来自于你的午餐 No, actually that smell is coming from your lunch.
老爸又为你们今天的钓鱼旅行做了他的经典鸡蛋沙拉 Dad made his famous egg salad for your fishing trip today.
鸡蛋莎拉 晕 连鱼都不想吃那玩意儿 Egg salad? Even the fish hate the smell of that.
而且那味道还跟鱼是一样的呢 And they smell like fish.
嘿 P.J 你准备好出去找点乐子了吗 Hey, p.J., you ready to go have some fun?
我是想啊 可我这不是得跟你去钓鱼吗 Yeah, but I have to go fishing with you.
哦 老爸 你能捎我去学校吗 Oh, hey, dad, can you drop me off at school?
Ivy和我今天想去搞我们那个儿童剧场的事儿 Ivy and I are doing our children's theater thing today
- 我们要穿演戏的服装呢 - 当然可以 - And we need to get into costumes. - Sure.
哦 Gabe啊 要是你没事做也可以来看我们表演哦 Oh, and, Gabe, if you're not doing anything you can come see it.
我自己写的哦 知道不 是一则很有趣的寓言故事 I wrote it, you know? It's a delightful fable
故事说的是啊 一群来自不同世界的人们 About people from different worlds
克服了他们彼此的差异从而成为了朋友 Who overcome their differences and become friends.
哇 Wow...
听你一说 我倒觉得去钓鱼反而有趣起来了 You actually made the fishing trip sound fun.
生活搞得一团糟 Today's all burnt toast
就要迟到 爸爸在叫 running late, and dad jokes
我左脚的鞋子有没有人看到 Has anybody seen my left shoe
我闭上双眼 咬口早餐 I close my eyes, take a bite
跳上车子 放声大笑 Grab a ride, laugh out loud
发现鞋子被扔在了屋顶上 There it is up on the roof
我也曾这样生活 我已经顺利走过 I've been there, I've survived
所以听取我的建议 So just take my advice
宝贝 不要放弃 Hang in there, baby,
世界有很多疯狂无奈 Things are crazy
可是我知道你会有美好未来 But I know your future is bright
宝贝 不要放弃 Hang in there, Baby
不要怀疑 There is no maybe
一切终会如你所愿 Eveything turns out all right
生活有悲有喜 Sure life is up and down
可是请相信我 坚持就有好结果 But trust me, it comes back all around
你会喜欢将来的你 You're gonna love who you turn out to be
宝贝 不要放弃 Hang in there, Baby
查莉成长日记 第一季第八集 Good Luck Charlie S01E08 Charlie is 1
再来一点好了 A little more.
为了好运气再加最后一点 And one for good luck.
噢哟 噢哟 Oh oh!
不会吧 你至少也让我吃完这盘威化饼干啊 Really? Can't you at least wait until I finish my waffle?
好吧 我们照您的指示来 Okay, we'll do it your way.
Bob亲爱的 时候到了 宝宝要生出来了 Bob, honey, it's time. The baby's coming.
啥 你预产期不是在三个星期之后嘛 What?! You're not due for another three weeks.
我正在湖当中啊 I'm in the middle of the lake.
你能不能先冷静下来 Would you please just calm down?
我都已经生过三个了 第四个当然也没问题 I've done this three times already. I can do it a fourth.
还有啊 我要给你说清楚 绝对不要第五个了 And just so we're clear, there will not be a fifth.
PJ 我们得赶快去医院 PJ, we've got to get to the hospital.
- 哦别别别 你不能站在独木舟上 - 为什么不行啊 - No no no, you can't stand up in the canoe. - Why not?
因为啊 Becau--
你好 我是Amy Duncan Hi, um, this is Amy Duncan.
我想找Singh医生 I'm calling for Dr. Singh.
是的 请您转告他 我现在有分娩阵痛了 Yes, could you please let him know that I have gone into labor?
希望和他在医院会面 And to meet me at the hospital?
好的 非常感谢 再见 Okay, thank you very much. Bye-bye.
好吧 看来我们要赤着脚去了 Okay, we're gonna do this barefoot.
咱们去生孩子吧 Let's go have a baby.
妈妈 Mom!
喂 Hello?
有人在家吗 Is anyone home?
嘿嘿 那就没人告诉我不能做这种事啦 Then no one can tell me not to do this.
嗯 Mmm!
好吃啊 Mmm.
行啦 就算是我弄翻了小船 Okay, I tipped over the boat.
你还要我说几次对不起啊 How many times can I say I'm sorry?
我们要开四十五英里路去医院 有的是时间让你道歉 We've got a 45-mile drive to the hospital, I guess we'll find out.
- 那是一头熊吗 -跑到卡车里去了 它是怎么钻进去的啊 - Is that a bear? - In the truck? How'd he get in there?
我可不知道 儿子 你自己去问它好了 I don't know, son. Why don't you ask him?
- 我们怎么把它弄出来呢 - 还是别惹它的好 - How do we get him out? - We don't.
它是熊老大 它说了算 He's the bear. He makes the decisions.
老爸 你是灭害专家耶 你应该能搞定的 Dad, you're an exterminator. You should deal with this.
我是可以 只要它再瘦六百磅 并且能合上一个捕鼠器的尺寸 I will-- when he loses 600 lbs and fits in a mousetrap.
那我们现在怎么去医院啊 How are we gonna get to the hospital?
走着去 来吧 我们赶紧走 Start walking. Come on, let's go.
不是吧 它把所有的鸡蛋沙拉三明治都吃光了 Oh, man! He ate all the egg salad sandwiches.
哦 猛啊 我爱熊老大 Oh, yes! I love that bear.
哟 很好嘛 今年提早过万圣节啊 Oh, good, Halloween's come early this year.
你是要扮的谁啊 Who are you two supposed to be?
我是弗兰肯斯坦 她是格雷特 I'm Frankenstein and she's Gretel.
我们是要表演我自己写的剧本来着 It's for a play I wrote.
我看不懂 I don't get it.
观众们也没看懂 Neither did the audience.
你胡说什么呢 才不是呢 孩子们可喜欢了 What are you talking about? No, the kids loved it.
你那扁脑袋是脑壳坏掉了吧 Are you out of your flat head?
表演就是一场灾难啊 It was a disaster.
那他们干嘛要鼓掌啊 Then why were they cheering?
那是欢送我们提早离场呢 Because we had to leave early.
我们是来找Amy Duncan的 We're here to see Amy Duncan.
就在那里面呢 Right in there.
当汉塞(格雷塔的弟弟)和德库拉(吸血鬼)来的时候 When Hansel and Dracula get here
我会放他们进去的 I'll send them in.
- 好啊 妈妈 - 好啊 科学怪人 - Hey, mom. - Hi, Frankenstein.
好啊 Hi--
我看到这顶假发时也是一样的反应啊 I had the same reaction when I saw this wig.
是一阵痉挛 Contraction.
- 你还好吗 - 棒极了 - Are you okay? - Super, great.
好得不能再好了 我的小鸭子们都排成一行了 Couldn't be better. All my ducks are in a row
所有事都有条不紊 And everything's under control.
那Gabe在哪儿呢 So where's Gabe?
我看我是丢下了一只小鸭子在家里啊 I guess I left one of my ducks at home.
什么 Gabe独自呆在家啊 Wait, Gabe's home alone?
这可不是好事儿 Oh, that is not good.
Gabe 你没事吗 Gabe, you okay?
我觉得好极了 I'm awesome!
嘿 快看哪 Hey, check it out.
喂 喂 有人吗 Hey hey, anybody here?
老爸 你要做什么 Dad, what are you doing?
PJ 我们必须赶快去医院 P.J. , we've got to get to the hospital.
我来看看能不能把这些玩意用电线发动 I'm just gonna see if I can hotwire one of these things.
哎呀 老爸 Uh, dad!
你想偷我们的摩托车么 You trying to steal our bikes?
不是要偷 是用线发动 Not steal-- hotwire.
别 听我说啊 凡事三思啊 你们可能会后悔的 No, look look look, before you do something you might regret,
我真的有一个好理由的 There is a perfectly good explanation.
我倒想听听看 And I'd love to hear it...
就在我把你抽筋扒皮之后 Right after I gut you like a fish.
你要用你的大砍刀还是要巨砍刀 You want your big knife or your really big knife?
随便拿一个 Surprise me.
哟 Charlie真的很爱她的生日蛋糕呢 Boy, Charlie's really loving her birthday cake.
我就说啊 是不是老可爱了 I know. Isn't it adorable?
她这样就是可爱 我这样做就是不对 When she does it it's adorable. When I do it it's wrong.
那是因为当时我们是在饭店里 而且你吃的是别人的蛋糕 And that's because we were at a restaurant and it wasn't your cake.
行了 我们还是继续说之前的故事啊 Come on, let's get back to the story.
那些摩托车手们有没有把你抽筋扒皮啊 Did the bikers gut you like a fish?
- 你不是也在场的么 - 哦 对 - You were there. - Oh, right.
好吧 说回来 车手们很强大 All right, anyway, bikers were coming on strong,
我就必须显示更强大 I had to come back stronger.