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嘿 Charlie 我是你姐姐Teddy Hey, Charlie! It's your big sister Teddy
我又在拍最新的视频日记了 with the latest installment of my video diary.
Teddy 把那玩意儿关了 现在正吃早饭呢 Teddy, turn that thing off. It's breakfast time.
马上就好了 In a minute!
你听到的噪音来自咱邻居新养的那条特吵的狗 That noise you hear is our neighbor's annoying new dog.
自从她养了那小混球 Ever since she got that little rat,
我们一家就没睡好过觉 none of us have gotten any sleep.
Teddy 我已经告诉你要做什么了 Teddy, I asked you to do something.
我听到啦 不就一分钟嘛 And I asked for a minute!
你的早餐要凉了 Your breakfast is getting cold.
那就把它再放回烤箱不就行了 Well, then just put it back in the toaster!
很抱歉让你看到这一段 Sorry you had to see that.
这里面的赠品呢 本来应该有个小赠品的 There is no prize in here. There's supposed to be a prize.
你昨天就把它拿出来了 You took it out yesterday.
我知道啊 可我不是又放回去了吗 I know, but I put it back in
这样我才能每天都有指望呀 so I'd have something to look forward to.
老公 怎么还不出来 Bob, where are you?
我再要一小会都不行啊 Can I have a minute?!
行了 赶紧的 Well, hurry up!
你要错过咱家的早餐黄金共聚时刻了 You're missing quality family time!
Gabe 不许再敲烤面包机了 Gabe, stop hitting the toaster.
可这花的时间也忒长了 But it's taking forever.
时间久到我都忘记放进去的是啥了 I don't even remember what I put in here.
好的 Charlie 我马上给你拿果汁来 Okay, Charlie, I will get you your juice in just a minute, honey.
哇塞 连Charlie都在闹脾气 Whoa! Even Charlie's in a mood.
早安 Morning.
老公 你是不是忘了做什么事啊 Bob, did you forget to do something?
我今晚补亲你总行吧 I'll kiss you tonight.
我不是说这个 你刮胡子才刮了一半脸 No. You only shaved half your face.
这样 那样 这样 Pick, pick, pick.
也许我就喜欢这个尊容打扮呢 Maybe this is how I like to wear it now.
得了吧 你看上去可笑极了 Well, it looks ridiculous.
要是我也决定只梳理一边的头发会怎样呢 What if I decided just to brush half my hair?
我以为你早就决定这样了呢 I thought you already made that decision.
好极了 你是不想活了吧 Oh, you are going down!
等等 停下 停下 你们大家听到什么没 Wait! Stop! Stop! Do you guys hear that?
我什么也没听到 I don't hear anything.
正解 Exactly.
狗狗的吠声停止了 The barking stopped.
- 怎么会这样 - 没搞错吧 - Oh, come on! - Really?
生活搞得一团糟 Today's all burnt toast
就要迟到 爸爸在叫 running late, and dad jokes
我左脚的鞋子有没有人看到 Has anybody seen my left shoe
我闭上双眼 咬口早餐 I close my eyes, take a bite
跳上车子 放声大笑 Grab a ride, laugh out loud
哎呀 老爸 鞋子就在房顶上 There it is up on the roof
我也曾这样生活 我已经顺利走过 I've been there, I've survived
所以听取我的建议 So just take my advice
宝贝 不要放弃 Hang in there, baby,
世界有很多疯狂无奈 Things are crazy
可是我知道你会有美好未来 But I know your future is bright
宝贝 不要放弃 Hang in there, Baby
不要怀疑 There is no maybe
一切终会如你所愿 Eveything turns out all right
生活有悲有喜 Sure life is up and down
可是请相信我 坚持就有好结果 But trust me, it comes back all around
你会喜欢将来的你 You're gonna love who you turn out to be
宝贝 不要放弃 Hang in there, Baby
查莉成长日记 第一季第九集 Good Luck Charlie S01E09 Up A Tree
还好Charlie至少睡了一小会儿 Well, at least Charlie's getting some sleep.
但是Dabney太太到底为什么非要养那条蠢狗呢 Why did Mrs. Dabney have to get that stupid dog, anyway?
她就不能养点别的少发出点声音的东西吗 Why couldn't she get something that made less noise...
比如说鱼什么的 Like a fish?
鱼根本就不出声 Fish don't make any noise.
那我希望你就是条鱼 I wish you were a fish.
我们是否可以赞成那东西是个有害的动物呢 Can we all agree that thing is a pest?
因为作为灭害专家而言 我有责任 Because as an exterminator, it is my job
去监管任何有害生物 To take care of pests.
当你说“监管”的时候 When you say "take care of,"
我懂得你其实是在说“杀”了它们 I know you actually mean kill.
我声明 你用这个词我完全没意见 Which I'm totally fine with, by the way.
我要过去找Dabney太太 提出要求 I'll just go over to Mrs. Dabney's and demand
让她晚上把狗管好在房子里面 She keep the dog in at night.
或者我们也可以更友善一点 Or we could just try being friendly.
对Dabney太太友善吗 Friendly? With Mrs. Dabney?
这是啥日子哦 奇思妙想节吗 What is this, crazy idea day?
听着 我说真的 Okay, look, I am serious.
不如我今晚邀请她过来 How about I invite her over tonight
到我们家喝咖啡 然后我来烤一个派吧 for a cup of coffee and I bake a pie?
我以为你想妥善解决这件事的 I thought you wanted this to go well.
好吧 我们就去邀请Dabney太太 Okay, we'll have Mrs. Dabney over,
但我希望每个人都要表现出最佳风度 but I want everybody on their best behavior,
特别是你 小先生 especially you, mister.
我不觉得自己拥有什么最佳风度 I don't think I have a best behavior.
那你最好在今晚之前找一个 Yeah, well, you'd better find one before tonight.
为她说句公道话 Dabney太太并不是一直这样的 In her defense, Mrs. Dabney wasn't always like this.
其实她以前蛮好相处的 She actually used to be kind of nice.
那是啥年月啦 When was that?
让我想想 你几岁了 Let's see, how old are you?
好了 派我也吃了 All right, got my pie.
你们有什么要求 What do you want?
我们什么要求也没有 Dabney太太 We don't want anything, Mrs. Dabney.
就是 我们只是想敦行睦邻友好呀 Yeah, we're just being neighborly.
他又做了什么坏事? What did he do?
我什么坏事也没做 I didn't do anything.
我不喜欢你 Gabe I don't like you, Gabe.
可我喜欢你呀 Dabney太太 But I like you, Mrs. Dabney.
事实上 我很想“照顾照顾”你 In fact, I'd like to take care of you.
出去 Out.
Dabney太太 你新养了一条狗不是吗 Mrs. Dabney, so you have a new dog...
一只小吉娃娃 A little chihuahua.
原来这就是你们要找的茬子 So that's what this is about.
不是这事儿还能是啥事儿啊 It's not not what this is about.
狗狗是有名字的 他叫赫拉克勒斯(大力神) Dog's got a name... Hercules.
真好笑 因为啊 That's funny because...
大力神不是要又大又壮的吗 Hercules is like so big and strong
然而你家的小狗却 And your dog is so...
只是要睦邻友好的 Just being neighborly.
你看啊 情况是这样的 你家的大力神好像很爱叫唤 Look, the thing is, Hercules has a tendency to bark...
叫个不停 A lot...
整晚整晚的 All night long.
是啊 所以我们想知道 您能不能 Right, so we were wondering if maybe
晚上就寝前把它放到屋子里去呢 you could bring him in before bedtime.
不行 新鲜空气对狗狗有益 Oh, no! Fresh air's good for dogs.
那睡眠还有益于人类健康呢 Well, sleep is good for people.
我早知道你说的这个理论了 I had that same thought
在贵府上的每个孩子出生后我都感受极深 After every one of your many babies arrived.
我们现在说的是狗 We were talking about the dog.
既然现在是在开牢骚大会 Well, since we're airing our grievances...
我们一直求她不要做那种派的 We begged her not to make that pie.
我要说的是 也许你们可以做点什么 I was gonna say that maybe there's a little something
对我进行补偿 You can do for me.
哦 Dabney太太 我们已经告诉过您了 Oh, Mrs. Dabney, we've already told you,
我们是不会送Gabe去军校的 We're not sending Gabe to military school.
不过如果这个问题真的很严重 我们还是愿意送他 But if it's a deal-breaker, we are willing to send him
去别的地方的 To other places.
我说的是你们后院那棵大橡树 I was talking about your oak tree out back.
那边已经长出老大一个分枝伸到我家院子里了 There's a branch that hangs over my yard
老是往下掉橡子 把我院子里弄的乱七八糟 Always dropping acorns and making a big mess.
哎呀 那没问题 Well, no problem.
小狗进屋 树枝砍掉 Dog goes in, branch comes off.
我们成交不 We got a deal?
成交 We have a deal.
老爸 那根树杈还架着我们的小树屋呢 Dad, that branch holds our treehouse.
那又怎样 你们这些孩子好多年都没爬上去了 Well, so what? You kids haven't been up there in years.
我正迷糊着呢 到底要不要送走Gabe这小子啊 I'm confused. Is Gabe going somewhere or not?
要知道 要是顺便把树屋一起推倒 You know, if that treehouse comes down,
那就最好不过了 因为它在我的菜地花园里挡去了很多阳光 That'll be even better... More sunlight for my vegetable garden.
尽量多吃素 也许能让我的寿命目标 Start eating healthier... Might even make my goal
达到一百岁 Of living to be 100.
Dabney太太 你不想留下来吃完你的派吗 Mrs. Dabney, don't you want to stay and finish your pie?
祝你们晚安了 You have a good night, now.
她走啦 都还没友好地拥抱我一下呢 She's gone? But I didn't get my hug.
好了 至少我们现在总算可以睡个好觉了 Well, at least we'll finally be able to get some sleep.
太可惜我们要失去自己的小树屋了 Too bad we have to lose our treehouse.
我们还有个树屋吗 We have a