妈 Mom.
咋啦 What?
你在干什么呀 What are you doing?
流点儿汗 锻炼一下心肌功能 Squeezing in my cardio, working up a sweat.
那很好 您能不能把汗流到PJ的三明治上 Okay. Well, can you sweat on P.J.'s sandwich?
我要燃烧了 Gotta feel the burn.
我要自己去买午餐了 Gotta buy my lunch!
嘿 亲爱的 亲爱的 Hey, honey. Honey!
咋啦 What?
我要去上班了 I'm leaving for work.
过来亲我一下让我走吧 come on, Give me a kiss.
想亲就来抓我呀 Catch me if you can.
反正也亲得够多了 又不差这一次 I've kissed you enough already.
看来这还真的是真理 Wow, I guess it's true:
一日三餐中早餐最让人操心了 Breakfast is the most disturbing meal of the day.
等等 喂 喂 喂 鲍伯 Wait. Whoa whoa whoa. Bob, wait.
有件事忘了跟你讲 I forgot to tell you something.
是你那梅尔叔叔 他之前打过电话 It's about your Uncle Mel... he called.
我可不想听这个 I don't wanna hear it.
听听看嘛 他求我给你传个话来着 Oh, come on! He begged me to pass on the message.
那谢谢你 风很大 听不见 Thank you, and now I'm going to pass on the message.
梅尔叔叔是谁啊 Who's Uncle Mel?
一个你永远不会认识的人 Somebody you'll never know.
他是你爸的叔叔 He's your father's uncle.
得了 你连那个古怪的斯坦利叔叔 Okay, so you told me about Uncle Stanley
给他家小猫织毛衣的事都告诉我了 Who knits sweaters for his cats,
却仍然不能告诉我谁是梅尔大叔吗 But you didn't want to tell me about Uncle Mel?
因为啊 泰迪 要是你对一个人的评价 Because, Teddy, if you don't have
没有任何一句好话时 Anything nice to say about someone,
那还是对他一字不提的好 Then don't say anything at all.
再说梅尔他就是个大傻子 And Mel's an idiot.
好了 妈妈 快跟我讲讲这个梅尔大叔 Okay, mom, tell me about Uncle Mel.
是这样的 他跟你爸 Well, he and your father had
有一段不堪回首的过去 这是我仅知道的 Some kind of falling out. That's all I know.
难道我们就没有办法搞清楚吗 Isn't there some way we can find out more?
这可是自从啥时候开始 有关老爸唯一的囧事呢 This is the first interesting thing about dad since...
好了 其实根本就是老爸这辈子唯一有趣的事儿 Well, this is the first interesting thing about dad.
宝贝 相信我吧 我可是有过前车之鉴的 Honey, trust me. I've learned the hard way:
看到任何有关邓肯家的家庭伦理八点档 When it comes to Duncan family drama,
躲远点吧 Stay out.
那咱家还有没有其他什么意外惊喜的亲戚 Are there any other Surprise relatives
你想要讲给我听的啊 you want to tell me about?
没啊 No.
真的没 No.
生活搞得一团糟 Today's all burnt toast
就要迟到 爸爸在叫 running late, and dad says
我左脚的鞋子有没有人看到 Has anybody seen my left shoe
我闭上双眼 咬口早餐 I close my eyes, take a bite
跳上车子 放声大笑 Grab a ride, laugh out loud
哎呀 老爸 鞋子就在房顶上 There it is up on the roof
我也曾这样生活 我已经顺利走过 I've been there, I've survived
所以听取我的建议 So just take my advice
宝贝 不要放弃 Hang in there, baby,
世界有很多疯狂无奈 Things are crazy
可是我知道你会有美好未来 But I know your future is bright
宝贝 不要放弃 Hang in there, Baby
不要怀疑 There is no maybe
一切终会如你所愿 Eveything turns out all right
生活有悲有喜 Sure life is up and down
可是请相信我 坚持就有好结果 But trust me, it comes back all around
你会喜欢将来的你 You're gonna love who you turn out to be
宝贝 不要放弃 Hang in there, Baby
查莉成长日记 第一季第十集 Good Luck Charlie S01E10 Take Mel Out to the Ballgame
大好消息 妈妈 我现在开始喜欢小查莉啦 Great news, mom. I like Charlie now.
是么 总算有这天啊 发生什么事了 Well, finally. What happened?
我们刚才在公园 遇到一个摄影师 We were in the park and this photographer
他认为咱家小查莉是他见过的最可爱的宝宝呢 Thought that Charlie was the cutest baby ever.
他说要付一百块请查莉当模特 He offered to pay her 100 dollars to use her as a model.
天知道 除了会吐口水和拉便便之外 Who knew? She's actually good for something
她还真的也有自己的强项呢 Besides drooling and pooping.
沃尔特·鲁珀摄影工作室 "Walter Louper photography.
专门从事犬类猫类以及婴儿照相 Specializing in dogs, cats and babies."
没门儿 我可不会用我家宝宝去赚钱的 Forget it. I'm not exploiting my baby.
可我们又没有狗或猫 But we don't have a dog or a cat.
妈妈 考虑下吧 Mom, come on.
这可能是查莉的绝佳星途的开始呀 This could be a big break for Charlie.
PJ 查莉不会在你之前先去赚钱养家的 P.J., Charlie is not getting a job before you do.
我也想 可是那摄影师没有说要来给我拍照呀 Well, the photographer didn't offer to shoot me.
哈 你又不是非得去做模特才算有工作的 Ha. You don't have to have a modeling job.
什么活都能赚钱的 过来妈妈这里吧 Any job will do. Come here.
哼 这种谈话最后总会变成数落我的不是 Man, this conversation sure took an ugly turn.
不管咋样 我们都用不着这张名片了 Anyway, we will not be needing this.
我早知道应该按着我的主张来办 I knew we should've done it my way.
你的主张是啥 What was your way?
我们不要告诉老妈去拍照的事 We don't tell mom we're doing the photo shoot,
直接去拍了然后把钱分赃了事 We go ahead and do it anyway and split the money.
你什么时候想出这主意的 When did you come up with that?
就在公园里啊 At the park.
我是在那些女子越野队经过的时候告诉你的 I told you when The girls' cross-country team ran by.
哦 想起来了 Oh, yeah!
我们当时说了些啥 What were we talking about again?
嗨 小查莉 泰迪姐在这儿呢 Hi, Charlie. Teddy here.
看来有一个邓肯家族的神秘人浮出水面啦 So it turns out there's a Duncan family mystery.
是的 昨天我发现咱家有一位梅尔大叔 Yeah, yesterday I found out we have an Uncle Mel.
我戴这个好看不 Does this look good on me?
这个嘛 除非你把裤子套到脸上试试 Well, only if you pull your pants over your face,
因为这根本就是条腰带 because that is a belt.
我们今天得去一下商场 We need to go to the mall today.
你这儿都没什么新衣物可以给我穿了 You don't have anything new for me to wear.
好了 艾薇 我现在考虑的是 Okay, Ivy, I'm thinking about something
比衣服要重要一点的事 a little bit more important than clothes.
鞋子吗 Shoes?
是家族啦 Family.
你真会搞笑 小泰 You're funny, T.
听着 我爸跟他的梅尔叔叔闹不和 Okay, listen. Something went down between my dad and his Uncle Mel
而我就必须搞清楚这中间到底发生了什么事 And I have to know what happened.
这是什么 What is this?
哦 这是之前我爸给我的信用卡 Oh, that's a credit card my dad gave me a while ago.
居然到现在我才听说这件事 And I'm just now hearing about this?
好啦 那个只是为了以防万一的 Well, it's for emergencies only.
亲爱的 我检查过你的衣柜了 Honey, I've seen your closet.
现在正是紧急状态 It is an emergency.
好吧 如果你陪我去养老院 Okay. Well, if you go to the rest home with me,
那我就陪你去商场 I will go to the mall with you.
可以 不过我要先警告你 Okay, but I have to warn you:
我爷爷就在养老院 My grandpa was in a rest home
那情况可碜人了 他就成天坐在那儿 And it was depressing. He'd just sit there
抱怨为什么从来没有人去看他 And complain about how nobody ever came to visit.
最后我终于受不了 再也不去了 Finally, I just stopped going.
我们荫园疗养院提供好几种计划可供选择 We have several options at Shady Hills:
有一年计划 三年计划 还有五 There's the one-year plan, the three-year plan and the fi...
令尊多大年纪了 How old is your father?
那也许你可以选择按月续费的 You might want to go month to month.
好的 再见 Okay. Bye-bye.
欢迎光临荫园疗养院 有什么可以效劳 Welcome to Shady Hills. How can I help you?
我们来看望梅尔·邓肯 We're here to see Mel Duncan.
你们预约登记了吗 Have you signed in?
没有啊 No.
那你们是在等待一份正式邀请函吗 Are you waiting for a formal invitation?
没有 我们刚到这儿 很愿意先登记一下 No, we just got here.We're happy to sign in.
很荣幸 请吧 I'd be most honored.
我给你们呼叫梅尔过来 Let me page Mel for you.
梅尔 你有一个访客 Mel, you have a visitor!
居然有人来看我啊 Somebody here to see me?
你好 梅尔叔公 Hi, Uncle Mel.
我是你的侄孙女泰迪 是鲍伯的女儿 I'm your great-niece Teddy. I'm Bob's daughter.
没开玩笑吧 鲍伯生得出这样漂亮的女儿 You're kidding. Bob made you?
哦 是啊 我妈很靓的 Yeah, well, my mom's pretty hot.
哦 这是我的朋友艾薇 Oh, this is my friend Ivy.
你好 我老妈也很靓 Hi. My mom's hot too.
好吧 Okay.
喂 乡亲们 看看我的侄孙女 Hey, everybody, this is my niece...
你刚才说你叫啥名字来着 What did you say your name was again?
我叫泰迪 Teddy
哦 是海蒂 ...Hedy.
不不 是泰迪 泰迪 No no, Teddy. Teddy.
真是个奇怪的名字 That's a weird name.
不比海蒂奇怪吧 Weirder than hedy?
这是我的侄孙女泰迪 This is my niece Teddy
那么 你喜欢音乐吗 And... do you like music?
我很爱音乐啊 I love music.
嘿 乡亲们 我的侄孙女要给大家唱几首歌 Hey, everybody, my niece is gonna sing us some songs.
我要唱吗 I am?
对的 Yeah
艾薇 快帮忙 Ivy, help.
嗨 各位父老乡亲 Hi, everybody.
欢迎来到 And welcome to...
来到这个我们现在呆着的房间现场 The room that we're in.
首先 我们开场先来点 We're gonna start off with a little...
大师你说呢 Maestro?
我觉得我还会弹弹《故乡亲人》 I think I remember "Swanee River."
那就《故乡亲人》吧 "Swanee River."
沿着斯旺尼河而下 Way down upon the Swanee River
旅程多么遥远 far far away...
我不记得歌词了 I don't remember the words.
自从三年级后我就没弹过正经的曲子 I only know the dirty ones from third grade.
这条河的名字真是有趣呀 It's such a funny name for a river
是我唯一能给的评语了 嘿嘿 And that's all I have to say, hey.
好了 这首唱够了 我们唱点别的吧 Okay, that's enough of that. Let's try something else.
有要点歌吗 Any requests?
《故乡亲人》 "Swanee River."
哎哟 天哪 Oh, boy.
差不多都准备好了 It's almost ready to go.
你们家的宝宝真是可爱 You've got a real cute baby there,
是我见过的最棒的之一 One of the best I've ever seen.
是啊是啊 你倒是带足现金没 Yeah yeah, did you bring the cash?
我带了 但我需要一个家长在这授权书上签名 I did, but first I need a parent to sign this release form.
没问题 No problemo.
问题来了 Problemo.
当然了 老妈就在厨房呢 Sure. Mom is right in the kitchen.
她在吗 She is?
她在的啊 She is.
盖比 不如你到厨房去 Gabe, why don't you go into the kitchen
让妈妈给我们签个名 And have mom sign this for us?
那么您是一位专业摄影师啰 So you're a photographer, huh?
是呀 Yup.
我十七岁生日的时候也得到了一个相机 Oh, I got a camera for my seventh birthday...
后来我把它丢了 Then I lost it.
好感人的小故事 Cute story.
好了 这个给你 Well, here you go.