

2017-06-07    22'37''

主播: 开口英语

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关注微信公众号“开口英语”了解更多 嘿嘿 小查莉 快看这个 Hey, Charlie, check this out. 这幅景象以前可从未被披露过 Here's something nobody has ever seen before. 盖比自己在梳他的头发呀 Gabe is brushing his hair 你非得把我们干的所有鸡毛蒜皮的事儿都录下来吗 Do you have to videotape everything we do? 这又不是真人秀节目 This isn't a reality show. 哈 我知道这已经脱离现实了 Oh, I know it's not reality because 因为那小子不用别人啰嗦就自己去洗了个澡 he took a shower without being asked. 你知道我在想什么吗 You know what I think? 我觉得啊 你对谁动心了吧 I think you like someone. 是又怎么样 又不是什么大事 What if I do? No big deal. 没开玩笑吧 你的初恋可绝对是大事一件呐 Are you kidding? Your first crush is a huge deal. 听着 男女异性相吸 Look, she is a girl. I'm a guy. 这种事每天都会发生 These things happen every day. 可没发生在你身上过呀 Not to you. 我知道呀 姐姐你也不相信吧 I know. Can you believe it? 好了 孩子们 快点 我们走吧 Hey, kids, come on, let's go. PJ 亲爱的 你放学后能照看一下查莉吗 P.J. Honey, can you watch charlie after school? 我得上班 I have to work. 不行啊 我也有工作 I can't. I'm working too. 如果你觉得行 那我可以带着查莉一起送外卖去 I can take charlie with me if you want. 你想帮忙你大哥去送鸡肉外卖吗 You want to help your big brother deliver chicken? 不然你也可以选去医院 Or you could come to the hospital 帮妈妈给病人换尿盆 And help mommy change bedpans. 还是你带着她吧 You take her. 盖比 你是不是用了刮胡水 Gabe, are you wearing aftershave? 一点点啊 A little. 你干嘛要用那个 你又没有胡子可刮 Why would you do that? You're not shaving yet. 如果凡事都要问个为什么的话 As long as we're being logical, 那你为什么仍然保留着梳子呢 why do you still have a comb? 赶快上车 Get in the car. 生活搞得一团糟 Today's all burnt toast 就要迟到 爸爸在叫 running late, and dad jokes 我左脚的鞋子有没有人看到 Has anybody seen my left shoe 我闭上双眼 咬口早餐 I close my eyes, take a bite 跳上车子 放声大笑 Grab a ride, laugh out loud 哎呀 老爸 鞋子就在房顶上 There it is up on the roof 我也曾这样生活 我已经顺利走过 I've been there, I've survived 所以听取我的建议 So just take my advice 宝贝 不要放弃 Hang in there, baby, 世界有很多疯狂无奈 Things are crazy 可是我知道你会有美好未来 But I know your future is bright 宝贝 不要放弃 Hang in there, Baby 不要怀疑 There is no maybe 一切终会如你所愿 Eveything turns out all right 生活有悲有喜 Sure life is up and down 可是请相信我 坚持就有好结果 But trust me, it comes back all around 你会喜欢将来的你 You're gonna love who you turn out to be 宝贝 不要放弃 Hang in there, Baby 查莉成长日记 第一季第十二集 Good Luck Charlie S01E12 Kit and Kaboodle 很好 现在是我的好机会 Okay, this is my chance. 可别搞砸了 Don't blow it. 快去跟她搭讪吧 Say something to her. 嗨 凯蒂 H-h-hi, Kit. 你好啊 凯蒂 Hellllooo, Kit! 哟 哟 哟 凯蒂 Yo yo yo, Kit! 我嘴巴好干啊 My mouth's so dry. 得先喝点果汁 I need juice. 这是果汁啦 不是尿裤子 It's juice. This is not pee. 进展不错 That went well. 你姐姐在家吗 Is your sister home? 在 Yes. 谁啊 Who was that? 达布尼太太来问个蠢问题 Mrs. Dabney with her stupid questions. 我的问题还有后续呢 I have a follow-up question-- 我可以找你姐姐问话吗 May I speak to your sister? 有什么我可以效劳的 达布尼太太 What can I do for you, mrs. Dabney? 我要出城几天 I'm going out of town for a couple of days 我想知道你是不是够友善 And I was wondering if y'd be kind enough 可以帮我照顾我的猫卡不多 to look after my cat Caboodle. 哦 我不晓得耶 我最近忙死了 Oh, I don't know. I'm awfully busy. 一天付你二十块 I'll pay you $20 a day. 我的时间表刚刚空出来 My schedule just opened up. 很好 Mm-hmm. 我可以信任你的 对吧 I can trust you, right? 当然了 Of course. 你确实算是 You do seem to be 邓肯家孩子们中最不烦人的一个 the least disturbed of all the Duncan kids. 几乎算是很好的恭维话了呢 What an almost sweet thing to say. 你要知道 卡不多 You need to know that Caboodle 是我在这世上最珍贵的宝贝 Is the most important thing in the world to me. 达布尼先生最近怎样啊 How's mr. Dabney doing? 反正照我说的做 好好待卡不多 Like I said, love that Caboodle. 谁呀 Who is it? 咕唧鸡外卖 Kwikki Chikki. 哦 你好 Oh, hello. 总价是二十一元七分 Hi, it's $21.07. 好的 那这个小可爱是谁啊 Oh, okay. Who is this cutie pie? 我叫PJ I'm p.J. 我说的是另一个小可爱 I meant the other cutie pie. 喔 她叫查莉 是我的小妹妹 Oh, this is Charlie. She's my baby sister. 难道她不是这世上最让人珍爱的小宝贝吗 Why, isn't she the most precious thing in the whole world? 是啊 我妈妈在医院里 Yeah, my mom's at the hospital, 所以我要照看她 so I'm looking after her. 哦 你这个小可怜 Oh, you poor dear. 不用找钱了 Keep the change. 你确定吗 这可差不多有二十元的小费耶 Are you sure? This is almost a $20 tip. 唉 你比我更需要它 Oh, you need it more than I do, 拿去给在医院的妈妈买点什么吧 What with your mom being in the hospital and all. 咦 你以为我妈妈是住 Oh, you think my mom is in-- 我不骗您 我们确实很艰难 I'm not gonna lie to you. It's been hard. 请享用您的鸡肉吧 Enjoy your chicken. 查莉啊 欢迎加入鸡肉外卖行业 Charlie, welcome to the chicken delivery business. 每天喂两次猫粮 Give him dry food twice a day 并确保它的水碗里总是加满水 And make sure his water bowl is always filled. 还有我妹妹维吉妮亚稍后会过来一起玩 Oh, and my sister Virginia is coming by later for a play date. 你想要我和你妹妹一起玩 You want me to have a play date with your sister? 不是你 是卡不多 Not you-- Caboodle. 维吉妮亚会带来她的猫 斯坦利 Virginia brings her cat Stanley over. 猫的名字这么滑稽啊 What a ridiculous name for a cat. 你说卡不多吗 Caboodle? 我是说斯坦利 Stanley 哦 我要走了 Oh, I should go. 但我的小卡不多多可就要不高兴了 But so my little Caboodie won't make a scene, 你要逗逗他让他分心 You need to distract him. 我要装成耗子吗 Should I pretend to be a mouse? 当然 Yes. 我是说笑的 I was joking. 我可不说笑 I wasn't. 我看这猫现在就挺好啊 The cat seems fine to me. 我可是付钱让你干事的 I'm paying you. 现在放下他然后去扮耗子吧 Now put him down and act like a mouse. 吱吱 吱吱 Squeak squeak. 你能扮得更像一点么 You can do better than that. 要龇牙咧嘴皱鼻子 Bare your teeth, wiggle your nose 扮成你正在偷奶酪吃 And act like you're eating a piece of cheese. 现在继续这样扮二十分钟 Now keep doing that for 20 minutes, 他就会很安分的 再见了 小卡不多宝贝 And he should be fine. Goodbye, my Caboodle. 泰迪宝贝 你在找什么东西吗 Teddy honey, did you lose something? 找我刚丢的尊严 Only my dignity. 妈妈 你能帮我一下吗 Mom, can you help me with something? 当然可以啦 亲爱的 你要我帮什么 Sure, honey. What can I do for you? 那个嘛 我有个朋友 Well, I have this friend 他想要知道怎么和女孩们聊天 And he needs to know how to talk to girls. 这朋友叫什么名字 Does this friend have a name? 诺曼(无名氏) No-orman. 诺曼 No-orman. 真是个奇怪的名字 That's an odd name. 那个 我想他是挪威来的 Well, I think he's from No-orway. 盖比宝贝啊 我是你妈耶 Gabe honey, I'm your mom. 你不用觉得难为情的 You don't have to be embarrassed 来告诉我你的初恋故事吧 About telling me about your first crushy-wushy. 我还是到网上去搜索一下好了 I'm just gonna go look it up on the internet. 别别别 没问题的 No no no, it's okay. 对不起 对不起 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. 那么 你之前跟她说过什么没 Okay, so what have you said to her so far? 嗯 我有说啊 Um, I said, 我说的是“这是果汁 不是尿” "that was juice, not pee." 然后她就走掉了 And then she walked away. 哦 不会吧 无名氏 Oh, no-orman. 每次我一靠近她 Every time I get near her, 我就手心冒汗 心脏扑通乱跳 My heart starts pounding, my hands get all sweaty 话都说不出来 And I can't speak. 哦 你痴情得够严重的 Oh, you've got it bad. 我想起自己的初恋时光了 I remember my first crush. 你的初恋不是老爸吗 Was it dad? 当然 怎会不是呢 Sure, why not? 那我该怎么办啊 我要怎么对她开口呢 So what do I do? How do I talk to her? 听好啊 当你觉得开始紧张时 Well, when you start to get a little nervous, 你就去问她问题 让她去讲话就行了 Just ask her questions. Let her do the talking. 找到你们共同的兴趣 Find things you have in common. 所以只要问问她然后自己听她回答吗 So just ask her stuff and listen to the answers? 听上去倒蛮简单的 That sounds easy. 你可以的 Sure. 感情上的事不过是小菜一碟 Relationships are a piece of cake. 这就是为何已婚人士总是这么幸福快乐 That's why married people are always so happy. 老爸以前追你时说话会紧张吗 Did dad ever get nervous talking to you? 哦 你爸和我第一次约会时 Oh, when your dad and I first started dating 我们基本上没讲什么话 大多数时间我们都是在 We didn't do a lot of talking. Mostly we just-- 在做什么 Just what? 在玩西洋棋 Played checkers-- 玩了很久很久的西洋棋呢 Lots and lots of checkers. 嘿 老爸 Hey, dad. 嘿 Hey. 明天下午是你要照看查莉的 对吧 You're taking care of Charlie tomorrow afternoon, right? 我想是轮到我了 I believe I am. 你看 我在想也许可以 You know, I was thinking maybe 带着她一起去送外卖 she should come to work with me. 为什么 Why? 因为我觉得 在泰迪和盖比小的时候 Because I feel I didn't do enough to help out 我都没有怎么帮上足够的忙 When Teddy and Gabe were babies. 你说足够吗 你根本就没帮忙 Enough? You didn't do anything. 我知道 I know. 现在我觉得内疚了 And it haunts me. 你还会为这个内疚啊 It haunts you? 真的呀 Yes. 所以我想通过照顾查莉来补偿你们 That's why I have to make it up to you with Charlie. 行啊 Okay. 我会想你的 老爸 I