

2017-06-23    22'37''

主播: 开口英语

318 36

好了 同学们 All right, class. 这些成绩单会让你们知道 These progress reports will let you know 自己在语文学习上的进步如何 how you're doing in English so far, 我对你们很多同学可都是很口下留德地用了“进步”这个词哟 and for many of you I use the word "progress" loosely. 让我得个A吧 让我得个A吧 Please let it be an "A".Please let it be an "A". 让我得个C吧 让我得个C吧 Please let it be a "C". Please let it be a "C". 格尔金先生 对于你来说 快餐事业可谓蒸蒸日上 Mr. Gerkin, the fast food industry is booming 也有着远大前程可以期待呢 and offers a bright future. 好极了 This is great. 糟透了 This is terrible. 我拿了一个B耶 I got a "B". 我也是啊 So did I. 我都不敢相信自己得了一个真正的B I can't believe I got a real "B". 跟什么相比啊 As opposed to what? 本来以为是D啊 这样我只要在上面再加个D A "D" that I have to write another "D" on top of 就可以让它看起来像B了 to make it look like a "B". 丁沃尔老师 Mr. Dingwall, 我能问您一个小问题吗 can I ask you a quick question? 你已经问了 再见 You just did. Goodbye. 不是的 我想问的是关于我的成绩 No, actually it's about my grade. 我本来期待能得到A的 I was kind of expecting an "A". 在说A啊 "A" 这正好就是“烦人”这个单词的首写字母 the same letter that begins the words "annoying" 也是“再见”的首写字母 and "adios." 难道您就不能稍微解释下为什么我只得到B吗 Can you just explain to me why I got a "B"? 语文可是我的最强科目啊 English is my best subject. 虽然我的数学和科学课老师可能要为此争一争 Although my math and science teachers would argue with that. 再教你个夏威夷的再见 “阿喽哈”也是A打头哦 Here's another one-- aloha. 生活搞得一团糟 Today's all burnt toast 就要迟到 爸爸在叫 running late, and dad jokes 我左脚的鞋子有没有人看到 Has anybody seen my left shoe 我闭上双眼 咬口早餐 I close my eyes, take a bite 跳上车子 放声大笑 Grab a ride, laugh out loud 哎呀 老爸 鞋子就在房顶上 There it is up on the roof 我也曾这样生活 我已经顺利走过 I've been there, I've survived 所以听取我的建议 So just take my advice 宝贝 不要放弃 Hang in there, baby, 世界有很多疯狂无奈 Things are crazy 可是我知道你会有美好未来 But I know your future is bright 宝贝 不要放弃 Hang in there, Baby 不要怀疑 There is no maybe 一切终会如你所愿 Eveything turns out all right 生活有悲有喜 Sure life is up and down 可是请相信我 坚持就有好结果 But trust me, it comes back all around 你会喜欢将来的你 You're gonna love who you turn out to be 宝贝 不要放弃 Hang in there, Baby 查莉成长日记 第一季第十三集 Good Luck Charlie S01E13 Teddy's Little Helper 小伙子 准备好去参加篮球赛了吗 Hey, ready for your basketball game? 我必须得去吗 Do I have to go? 我们一直都是输 All we ever do is lose. 那可不对啊 That is not true. 有时候你们是丧失资格 Sometimes you forfeit. 哦宝贝 乐观自信是很重要的 Oh, honey, it's important to think positive. 确实 你们已经连输了十一场 True, you've lost 11 games in a row 基本上在联赛里算是垫底了 不过嘛 and you're dead last in the league, but-- 我也不知道想出什么好话来安慰你了 I don't know where I'm going with this. 坏消息 盖比 Bad news, Gabe. 我今天不能给你们比赛当教练了 I can't coach your game today. 刚接到一个紧急除害电话 Just got an emergency extermination call. 是什么大紧急事件呀 What's the big emergency? 瓢虫出没 Ladybug infestation. 好可爱 Aww. 那是 一只小瓢虫很讨喜 Oh, sure, one's cute. 成千上万那可就是极端恐怖的大灾难了 Thousands-- unspeakable horror. 那我看既然比赛没有教练 So I guess without a coach 我们今天就不用比了吧 we won't be able to play our game today. 喂 等一下 我可以当教练呀 Hey, wait a minute. I can coach. 哦呵呵 真是可爱的想法 亲爱的 That's cute, honey, 不过做教练这回事比你想像中可能要复杂一点点 but coaching's a little more complicated than you might think. 哎哟 亲爱的 我顶多也就跟你输的一样惨嘛 Oh, honey, I can lose just as good as you can. 我在说什么呀 我是不能去当教练 What am I saying? I can't coach. 我还得带查莉去上亲子联谊会呢 I have Mommy & Me with Charlie. 我可以带查莉去亲子会呀 I could take Charlie to Mommy & Me. 亲爱的 真是可爱的想法 不过亲子班这回事 Honey, that's cute, but Mommy & Me 比你想象中可能要复杂一点点 is a little more complicated than you might think. 其实 根本不复杂 你带她去参加就好了 Actually, it's really not. You go ahead and take her. 好了 亲爱的 看来你决心加入了 All right, honey, looks like you're in. 这是教练手册 Here's the playbook. 现在要你记全有点太强人所难 Now this might be a little over your head, 所以你只要尽力而为就可以了 so just do your best. 攻组是我们队 守组是其他的那些人 Xs are our team. Os are the other guys. 得了吧 攻组不是连输11场了吗 Okay, the xs have lost 11 games in a row, right? 说的对 Right. 我们这礼拜就转型防守吧 We're gonna be the os this week. 嘿嘿 小查莉 你的泰迪大姐姐又在录视频了 Hi, Charlie, it's your big sister Teddy here. 不然我是不是应该说自己是个大废材呢 Or should I say big failure Teddy? 我就是想让你看看我第一次拿到B分数后的有多么悲哀 I just wanted to show you how sad I look after I got my first "B". 而我就是想让你看看我第一次拿到B分数后有多开心 And I just want to show you how happy I look when I got my first "B". 喔哈哈 Whoo! 真抱歉让你看到这个 Sorry you had to see that. 我不应该得到B的 I do not deserve a "b". 我也是一样的感受啊 I felt the same way. 知道吗 我知道丁沃尔老师为何会给我一个差分 You know, I know why Dingwall gave me a bad grade. 他就是不喜欢我 He just doesn't like me. 要说 也真有可能 You know, that could be. 每次他跟你说话时那张脸都好像有人刚放了臭屁一样 Whenever he talks to you, he makes a face like somebody just cut one. 可这不公平啊 But it's not fair. 我从没放过屁 一直是格尔金在课堂上放屁的 I never cut one. It's always Gerkin. 那就算丁沃尔不喜欢你又怎么样 谁在乎这个呢 So what if Dingwall doesn't like you? Who cares? 我在乎呀 我可没尝过被人不喜欢的滋味呢 I care. No one's ever not liked me before. 不是我自夸 可是像我这种讨喜的人就是到哪都讨喜 I don't mean to be conceited, but likable people like me are liked. 这就是事实啊 It's just a fact. 只要你没那么自大就行 As long as you're not conceited. 我知道该怎么办了 我要让丁沃尔喜欢我 I know what I gotta do--get Dingwall to like me. 我知道我要做什么了 继续跳舞 I know what I gotta do-- more dancing. 我身上仍然充满了开心的能量呢 I still got some happy left in me. 要是我得了A 你可真要小心些了 You'd better watch out if I ever get an "A". 老爸 我回来了 Hey, dad. 回来啦 亲子会玩得怎么样啊 Hey, how was Mommy & Me? 真是了不起呀 那些师奶们可喜欢我了 It was awesome. The moms loved me. 我给她们讲笑话 逗她们开心 I told them some jokes, made them laugh, 又教她们怎么设置手机彩铃 taught them how to change their ringtones. 查莉玩得开心吗 Did Charlie have a good time? 我不知道 我都没顾得上看她 I don't know. I wasn't really watching her. 怎么样啊 情况有多糟 So? How bad was it? 真是糟呀 It was terrible. 对其他队伍而言真是太糟了 It was terrible for the other team 因为我们赢啦 赢喽 万岁 because we won! We won. Ooh ooh! 我不相信 盖比呢 I don't believe it. Where's Gabe? 他和队友们去吃冰激凌了 He went out for ice cream with the rest of the team, 在那之前他们把我一直举到车子上 right after they carried me to my car, 大声欢呼着“艾米 艾米” chanting "Amy! Amy!" 真是的 小孩子就是大惊小怪的 Really, such a fuss. 对手是不是根本没来啊 Did the other team just not show up? 哎呀 他们当然来了 Oh, they showed up, 不过他们一定是后悔来了 被秒了 but they wish they hadn't. Kapow! 真是不可思议啊 That's amazing. 其实啊 根本没你想的那么难 Actually, it wasn't as hard as you thought. 我只不过告诉那些小男生就跑上场好好地玩耍吧 I just told the boys to go out there and have fun. 至少你用了那本教练手册吧 Did you at least use the playbook? 当然了 Absolutely. 那长凳太凉了 所以我把它用来当坐垫了 The bench was freezing, so I sat on it. 喂你好 哦 安吉啊 Hello. Hey, Angie. 不好意思啊 我没办法参加亲子会 Look, I'm sorry I couldn't make it to mommy & me-- 你是想跟PJ说啊 you want to talk to p.J.? 我想他在家 稍等一下 I think he's here. Hang on a sec. PJ P.J. 怎么了 Yeah? 喂 哦是你啊 安子 Hello. Oh, hey, Ange. 对 和你们一起玩可有乐子了 Yeah, it was fun hanging out with you too. 太搞笑了 That's hilarious. 哦不是吧 你们当真吗 Oh no, you didn't. 你们能回避下么 这可是私人谈话 You guys mind? This is kinda personal. 对了 你有没注意到琳达的头发 By the way, did you see Linda's hair? 对吧 Right? 哟 这不是我的小赢家嘛 Hey, there's my winner. 老爸好 Hey, dad. 祝贺啊 Congratulations. 我是说 虽然是个狗屎运 对吧 I mean, obviously a fluke, right, 正好是你妈妈当教练的时候赢球了 happening when your mom was coaching? 不过你懂吧 我们应该可以在此基础上再接再厉 But you know what? I think we can build on this. 是啊是啊 老爸 我们需要谈谈 Yeah yeah. Dad, we need to talk. 聊什么呢 What about? 先坐吧 Have a seat. 行啊 Okay. 到底啥事 What's up? 这种事从来都不好开口 These things are never easy. 哪种事啊 What things? 听着 全队开了个讨论会 Look, the team talked things over 我们认为这样对所有人都最有利 and we think it's in everyone's best interest 就是说我们若在教练人员上做一些调整 if we make some changes involving the coaching staff. 教练人员 我不就是嘛 The coaching staff? I'm the coaching staff. 现在是啊 Yeah. 喂 等一下 Oh, wait a minute. 你是来炒我鱿鱼的么 Are you firing me? 也不想想我为球队付出了多少心血 After everything I've done for this team? 我们衷心祝福你万事如意 We wish you the best. 喂 得了吧 Oh, come on. 喂 不可能吧 Oh, come on. 喂 再给我个机会吧 Hey, give me another chance. 我可以扭转局面的 I can turn this thing around. 我觉得已经没必要再谈了 I think we're done here. 哦 老爸 Oh, dad, 你能把妈妈叫进来吗 我有些好消息要告诉她 would you send mom in? I have some good news for her. 好啊 D老师 Hey, Mr. "D". 这点小意思请笑纳 Got a little present for you-- 是很好吃的自制巧克力饼干 因为啊 some yummy homemade brownies, just 'cause. 学校有关行政条例禁
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