

2017-07-01    22'37''

主播: 开口英语

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关注公众号“开口英语”了解更多 喔唷 查莉 快看你圆滚滚的西瓜肚 Uh-oh, Charlie, look at your tummy. 看来有人吃了太多的煎饼吧 不许再吃了 I think somebody's had enough pancakes. No no. 哎呀我的天 Oh my goodness, 看来有人太爱她的小毯子了 Somebody loves her blankie. 变出来了 Whoo! 好啦 老爸 现在该拉出你的毯子了 All right, dad, now pull out your blankie. 当然可以了 儿子 Sure thing, son, 等我把你送到军校去之后再说 Right after I drop you off at a military school. 哎呀 快看这礼拜六是什么日子 Oh, hey, look what's gonna happen on Saturday. 啊对了 旧货店的捐贈车会过来 Oh, yeah, the truck from the thrift store is coming. 根本就是你们的结婚周年纪念日好不好 And it's your wedding anniversary. 对哦 Right. 那捐赠车几点来啊 What time is the truck coming? 那你们今年到底要怎么庆祝嘛 So how are you guys gonna celebrate this year? 最好的庆祝方式就是能报税少一点 There's no better way to celebrate than the tax deduction. 所以我们要去捐献旧衣服 We're gonna get from donating old clothes. (注:加美税策用于慈善事业款可以得到退税) 老公 还记得我们结婚十周年的时候减了多少税吗 Bob, remember the deduction from our 10th anniversary? 强大啊 Ooh! 兄弟们 兄弟们 你们看这样行不 Guys, guys, guys, you know what? 我觉得我们得给爸妈的周年纪念日好好策划一下 I think we should do something for mom and dad on their anniversary. 我们在母亲节父亲节做的还不够多吗 Don't we do enough for them on mother's and father's day? 你根本啥也没做过吧 You never do anything for them. 谁说的 正是我的出生才让他们成为了父亲母亲 Excuse me, I was born, which made them a mother and a father. 我的使命算是完成了 My work is done. 那个 我想啊 我们可以给他们制造一次浪漫的惊喜晚餐 Well, I think. We should surprise them with a romantic dinner. 你也会做晚餐吗 You're gonna make a dinner? 那好 我是说我们要给他们惊喜 I think we should surprise them. 以预订浪漫晚餐的方式也行 And order a romantic dinner. 然后我们可以做服务生伺候他们啊 Then we can serve it to them like waiters. 为什么女生的点子总是要我们干很多活 Why do girl ideas always take so much work? 我懂了 I get it. 只要我们好好伺候他们 If we do something nice for them, 他们就也能给我们很多好处 They have to do something nice for us. 好比会买礼物给我们呀 说的对 Like give us presents. Yes. 为啥你们就不能想着是因为我们要恪守孝道呢 Why can't we just do it because we love them? 因为那样啥也得不到呀 笨阿姐 Because then we don't get stuff. Duh. 生活搞得一团糟 Today's all burnt toast 就要迟到 爸爸在叫 Running late, and dad jokes 我左脚的鞋子有没有人看到 Has anybody seen my left shoe 我闭上双眼 咬口早餐 I close my eyes, take a bite 跳上车子 放声大笑 Grab a ride, laugh out loud 哎呀 老爸 鞋子就在房顶上 There it is up on the roof 我也曾这样生活 我已经顺利走过 I've been there, I've survived 所以请听取我的建议 So just take my advice 宝贝 不要放弃 Hang in there, baby, 世界有很多疯狂无奈 Things are crazy 可是我知道你会有美好未来 But I know your future is bright 宝贝 不要放弃 Hang in there, Baby 不要怀疑 There is no maybe 一切终会如你所愿 Eveything turns out all right 生活有悲有喜 Sure life is up and down 可是请相信我 坚持就有好结果 But trust me, it comes back all around 你会喜欢将来的你 You're gonna love who you turn out to be 宝贝 不要放弃 Hang in there, Baby 查莉成长日记 第一季第十四集 Good Luck Charlie S01E14 Blankie Go Bye Bye 喂 你们 Hey! 总该有人去叫查莉闭嘴吧 Shouldn't someone go tell Charlie to shut up? 我看还是你再去试试吧 You know what? You give it a shot. 我们都哄了她一晚上了 We've been trying all night long. 说到我们 他指的只有我自己而已 And by "We" He means me. 谁说的 我也起来了一次的 Come on, I got up that one time. 你起来冲厕所 又把她吵醒了 And when you flushed, you woke her up. 可这孩子为啥这么闹心啊 But why is she so fussy? 我们找不到她的小毯子了 到处都找过了就是没有 We can't find her blankie. And we've looked everywhere. 哎呀 真是可笑 Oh, that's ridiculous. 她也不能总是要抱个东西才能睡着吧 She shouldn't need something to help her sleep. 你不也有个绒毛猴子么 What about your stuffed monkey? 小可可是不一样的 Coco's different. 爸妈 这样过你们的周年庆也太磕碜了 Guys, what a horrible way to spend your anniversary. 你们要准备出门了 We should really get out of the house. 哎哟 你干嘛打我呢 Ow. What are you doing? 哦对了 Oh. 爸爸妈妈 在你们的周年纪念日这一天 Mom and dad, on your anniversary 我要带你们去外面下馆子还有看电影 I'm taking you to lunch and a movie, 算我招待你们 My treat. 哦 老爸 别忘了带钱包 Oh, dad, bring your wallet. 儿子你不明白“招待”那个词是什么意思吧 You don't know what "My treat" Means, do you? 好了 孩子们 我们是很想去看电影 Okay, we'd love to go to a movie, kids, 但也不能在查莉这么烦心的时候 But not when Charlie's so upset. 我会找到查莉的小毯子 照顾好她的 I'll find Charlie's blankie and take care of her. 现在你们俩就出去好好享受一下独处时光吧 Now you two go out and enjoy some alone time. 在你们的周年纪念日这天 On your anniversary. 还要带着盖比 With Gabe. 我还知道该看什么最赞的影片呢 And I know the perfect movie to see... 《星球大爆炸二部:行星命运倒数》 3D效果唷 "Star Exploders II: Ticking Asteroids" in 3D. 嘿 知道不 评论家都不喜欢那电影 Hey, you know what? The critics hated that. 那一定就很好看了 That means it's gotta be good. 没错呀 Oh, yeah. 或者呢 我们可以去看《为明天哭泣的杨柳》 Or we could see "The Willow Weeps Tomorrow." 那部讲的啥 What's that about? 述说了一个少女的传奇人生 It's a haunting tale of a young girl. 她是一个农家姑娘 种了一棵杨柳树 Who lives on a farm, plants a willow tree. 之后她怀着成为一个芭蕾舞者的梦想渐渐成长 And grows up with dreams of becoming a ballerina. 然后在最重要的一次试演时 And then on the day of the big audition. 她扭伤了脚踝 只好回到农场去 She twists her ankle, goes back to the farm, 结婚生子 Gets married and has a baby. 你知道她给孩子取了什么名字吗 And do you know what she names it? 叫杨柳啊 Willow. 我感觉已经看完这电影了 I feel like we just saw it. 味同嚼蜡啊 And hated it. 行行好吧 男子汉们 结婚纪念日也有我的一半啊 Oh, come on, guys. It's my anniversary too. 不是这个意思 你说的很对 No no no, you're absolutely right. 要么 我们现在先别决定吧 Look, we don't have to figure this out now. 等到了电影院再想要看什么好了 We'll decide when we get to the theater. 也行 Okay. 行了吧 Okay. 一定要看《星球大爆炸》 "Star Exploders"! 查莉 我这不是在找你的毯子吗 求你别哭了 Charlie, I'm looking for your blankie. Please stop crying. 哎呀快看 开始放你最喜欢的节目了哟 Oh, look, it's your favorite show... “圈圈”节目呀 是那些会唱歌的五颜六色的圈圈哟 "The circles. " They're the colorful singing shapes. 会教你各种各样的 圈圈 That teach you about shapes. 我是一个红圆圈 我就是圈圈 I am a red circle, yes, I am 我又大又圆又红呀 I am big and round and red. 耶 Hey! 晕 这太吵了 Man, this is annoying. 哦 看我找到啥了 这是你的小毯子吧 Oh, what's this I found? Is this your blankie? 看来你不满意呀 I'll take that as a no. 不如我带你去散散步吧 Let's take you on a walk. 一定能让你好受些 That'll make you feel better. 耶 Yay! 借过 Excuse me. 借过 Excuse me. 真妙 看来我是万绿从中一点红啊 Great, I think I'm the only woman in here. 不尽然吧 那不也是个 Hey, what about...? 啥也不是 Nope. 我有点饿了 I'm kind of getting hungry. 说得对 我们吃点东西吧 Yeah, you know what? Let's eat. 拿去给你爸 Pass this to your dad. 这也太强了吧 Isn't this great... 根本不用去买电影院的食物 Not having to buy that movie theater food? 我们省了不少钱哟 We're saving so much money. 跟我本来想像的略有不同 I guess I had a different picture in my mind. 一开始盖比说的不是“午餐和电影”组合么 When Gabe said "Lunch and a movie." 我记得他说的是“边吃边看”呀 I think he said "Lunch in a movie." 妈妈 你有没有帮我带奶昔呀 Mom, do you have my milkshake? 喔 Oh. 看来这样更简单 You know what? I think it's easier. 不如你把管子插在这儿自己吸吧 If you just stick the straw in. 哎呀 电影开始了 Hey, the movie's starting. 不会吧 Really? 劳驾 你能把你那触手给摘了吗 Excuse me, could you take off your tentacles? 我拿到蛋糕啦 Got the cake. 哇 这都弄的什么呀 Whoa. What's all this about? 这是今晚主宴的主题布景呀 Oh, it's the theme for tonight's dinner. 我把客厅改造成了摩洛哥宫廷风 I turned the living room into a moroccan palace. 我们要伺候他们吃摩洛哥食物吗 So we'll be serving moroccan food? 那不会让老爸肚胀气吗 Won't that make dad gassy? 随便取个国家名又不会让老爸胀气的 Name a country that won't make dad gassy. 说的对啊 Good point. 你还在找查莉的小毯子吗 Are you still looking for Charlie's blankie? 哪儿都找不到啊 I can't find it anywhere. 我想是不是被我放在脏衣服篮里了 I thought I put it in that pile of dirty clothes. 我们还有个放脏衣服的篮子吗 We have a dirty clothes pile? 对呀 每次你把它们随便扔在地板上时 Yeah, it's where your clothes magically go. 就是那玩意儿可以将你的脏衣服神奇变消失 After you throw them on the floor. 但愿你没把它扔在捐献篮里 I hope you didn't put it on the donation pile. 要是捐给旧货店 那可就扔的太远找不回来了 For the thrift store, 'cause that is long gone. 我们把她的小毯子给捐掉啦 We gave her blankie away? 是你捐掉了她的小毯子 You gave her blankie away. 我们必须去找回来 We have to get it back. 是你自己必须去找回来 You have to get it back. 你别那样说话啦 Stop saying that. 你自己别说啦 You stop saying that. 哈哈 一般都是我在家捣蛋惹事的 You know, I'm usually the one who messes things up. 可是这次我这边操控的一切 But this time everything on my side of the operation. 全部运作良好 看吧 Is going just fine. See? “祝艾丝达和马蒂一路平安” "Bon voyage, Esther & Marty"? 咦 Oops. 你带错蛋糕回家啦 You brought home the wrong cake. 我们能不能告诉爸妈说 Can't we just tell mom and dad. 这个“一路平安”在法语里其实是“结婚纪念日快乐”的意思 That "Bon voyage" Is french for "Happy anniversary"? 那这人名“艾丝达和马蒂”怎么算 What about "Esther & Marty"? 谁管他们呢 那俩人都上船旅游去了 Who cares about them?