

2017-09-10    00'53''

主播: 开口英语

3255 63

67. Mean What You Say 第67课 说话算话 Some people say that promises are made to be broken. 有些人说承诺就是许下来违背的。 That certainly seems to be true in this cutthroat society that we live in. 这种情形在我们所处的这个竞争激烈的社会里似乎是真话。 But if you break your promise, you will ruin your reputation and no one will trust you anymore. 但是如果你违背你的谎言,就会损毁你的名誉,而且没有人会再相信你了。 So whenever we say, "I give you my word," we should mean it. 所以每当我们说:“我向你保证,”我们应该是真心诚意。 There is nothing worse than to be let down by others because they have not kept their promises. 再也没有比因为别人未能遵守谎言而让你失望更糟的事了。 In fact, it isn't so difficult to keep promises. 事实上,守信并不是那么困难的事。 Just remember never to promise anything we are not sure we can live up to. 只要记住绝对不要许下任何你没把握遵守的谎言。 In short, therefore, to be trustworthy, we should always say what we mean and mean what we say. 总之,要成为一个值得依赖的人,我们应该时时说内心话和说话算话。