

2017-11-08    22'08''

主播: 开口英语

1996 97

Good luck Charlie S1E16 So we need an act for the talent show. Or we could study for our s.A.T.S. And start checking out colleges. We do have our futures to think about. Something fresh. Hey, guys. We're just passing through, so don't mind us. Oh, I never mind seeing you, teddy. What about me? You I mind. If you could move it along... We're trying to work on our act for the talent show. Oh, you know,I'm the m.C. This year. Well, I hope you don't mind second place, Because spencer and I are doing a dance act together. Still wasting your time with spencer? Take away his good looks, his height and his talent, and what have you got? ,,, ? You. I think we're done here. Man, I would love to beat that spencer. Yeah, we've got to come up with something good. For the talent show, man. I got it. We go old school and do a ventriloquist act. Oh, a ventriloquist is a guy with a talking puppet, right? ? Right, a dummy. , Oh, one small problem... there's two of us. , Although. One of us could be the dummy. - Like you. - Or you. -- - Or you. - Or you... ------ Jo, if you're gonna make fun of my poster, I don't want to hear it. ,, I'm not gonna make fun of your poster. I'm just gonna tell you it looks stupid. To ahead and vote for dylan. I can't vote for dylan. He's an ear-picker. , At least he's given his nose a break. ? You know, gabe, you're gonna need the girl vote to win, , Which, lucky for you, I can deliver. , - How would you do that? - We shoot a campaign video, ?- Post it on the class website. And we'll put your baby sister in it. Girls go nuts over babies. I don't get it, but they do. , Why do you want to help me? I thought we were enemies. ?? Gabe, let's not put labels on our relationship. , We both know it's complicated. No kidding. I had this dream last week where you... .... Yeah, it's complicated. Okay, probably something like this. , Got it. Cool. Now you do it. , Okay. So? ? Really good, But you're not doing what I showed you. I know. I feel like it needs something more, right? Or less. Actually I've been working on some moves of my own, so... I call this one "the hacky sack." :“” Hacky hacky. Hacky hacky hacky hacky hacky sack! What do you think? ? What else have you got? ? Well... Everybody knows jazz hands, right? ? Right. Check out these bad boys. Pow pow pow pow pow pow pow pow! Pow! Exploding jazz hands. Fantastic. All right, first we want to show you as a strong leader. So act strong. () How does that look? ? What am I looking at? ? Just make a fist and say, "I will fight for you." :! Okay. I will fight for you! Perfect. Now let's see the softer side of gabe... , The loving brother. Chase the kid around. , Ready? ? I'm gonna get you. I'm gonna get you. Aww, the baby's absolutely adorable. People are gonna love her. Now get her out of here. Now let's meet gabe the wise leader. Okay. Should I do this? ? No. - Just answer these questions. - Okay. - Gabe, how would you feel about a longer recess? ,? I think it's a great idea. Some of the teachers think we should have more homework. Thoughts? ,? That's a terrible idea. The amount of homework we do now is good. And finally, new playground rules... pro or con? ,,? I don't like them at all. There's safety and there's fun. , You can't have them both. Loving it. Now say, , "I'm gabe duncan and I approve this message." ,, I'm gabe duncan and I approve this message. ,, Awesome. We're done. , You want to play a video game? ? Until the election I think it's best we keep this professional. - Or you could be the dummy. - Or you could be the dummy. -- - Or you could be the dummy. - We could do this all day. - We have been doing this all day. Well, I can't be the dummy 'cause I'm not comfortable with you putting your hands up my shirt. , You didn't feel that way last week. When you had that itch you couldn't reach. , All right, then what if we're both dummies? , Fine, we're both dummies. ! I don't know what's been going on in here, But you two just made a breakthrough. Hey, ivy, you got a minute? ,? You found out teddy can't dance, right? ? She's awful. I don't want to embarrass myself. , In front of the whole school. What am I gonna do? ,? You gotta tell it to her straight. Just rip the bandage off and say, "girl, you stink." You know, that kind of honesty. Might be better coming from the best friend. You're funny. Fine. I'll do it. 。 I'll just be honest with her. I sprained my ankle. Oh, no. What happened? ,? I was trying to practice some of your dance moves. And then I slipped. Mm, too much hacking on the sacky? “”? Exactly. And right before the talent show. Talk about bad timing. You poor thing, come in. , Have a seat. I'm gonna put your foot up. Can I get you anything? Are you hungry? ?? - A little. - You know what you need? --? Some homemade chicken soup. Mm, chicken soup. For the chicken. “” Jo just put the campaign video on the website. - You want to watch it? - Sure, honey. ?-- How well do you really know gabe duncan? ? I will fight you! ! He hates babies. Gabe, how would you feel if there was no more recess? ,? I think it's a great idea. Really? ? And what's your opinion about less homework? ? That's a terrible idea. The amount of homework we do now is good. And finally, how do you feel about girls? ,? I don't like them at all. Gabe duncan... . No recess, more homework, hates girls, ,, Especially baby girls. I'm jo keener and I want to be your president. ., I'm gabe duncan and I approve this message. .,! Okay, I know it looks bad. But... But what? ? - Hi. - Hi. You're probably wondering why I'm running on my sprained ankle. Yeah, I kind of was. It healed. Really? ? Then why do you still have your crutches? ? Lots of good questions here. Spence, what's going on? ,? All right, look, I faked the injury. , Because there is a problem. - With what? - With our dancing. ?-- Oh, spence, not everybody gets the exploding jazz hands. , The first time out. It's a process. , The problem wasn't me. Oh. It's no big deal. Lots of people can't dance. , And you're one of them. For your information, I'm a great dancer. - Teddy, I'm just being honest. - Oh, like you were about your ankle? ,--? No, you know what? I'm gonna find myself a new partner... , - Someone who appreciates my talent. - Teddy, come on. --, I even knitted you special socks to keep your toes warm, 'cause that's another thing I'm good at... knitting. --- My class is this way. I'm so glad we decided to forget the ventriloquist act. Yeah, what were we thinking? Juggling is so much easier. ? - Okay, throw first. - No, you throw first. ,--, - No, you throw first. - No, you throw first. ,-, Emmett, do you want to dance with me in the talent show? ,? - Yes. - Great. Let's go to the basement and rehearse. Whoa whoa, wait, emmett. What just happened here? ,? Teddy just asked me to dance with her. Let's not question it. So you're just leaving me haning? ? Don't look at it that way. You and I are like best buds. , We've been through thick and thin together. - You know I will always be there... - Emmett! -- See ya. Pow pow pow pow pow! Pow! What do you think? And be honest. ? I love it. Duh. Really? 'Cause spencer said I was a bad dancer. ? Let's not talk about spencer. He's in the past. It's emmett time. , So which of my moves should we start with? ? Actually I'm thinking that we should save your moves till the end. You don't start a fine meal off with dessert, right? , Right. So I'll just start dancing, do whatever it is I do... , The meat and potatoes... And then you can bring it home with the crme brle . - . - A little less --- - A little less. - - More. Right. There you go. Hey, how did it go today, honey? ? Well, one kid said he'd vote for me. Then he found his glasses and realized I wasn't jo. , We have to do something about this jo person. You don't have to do anything. No, I do, I do, Because nobody attack my babies. Now bob, I want you to go over to jo's house. , And punch her dad in the face. If he's anything like jo... no, thanks. , Once again I am the one. Who has to do the butt-kicking around here. Honey, would you relax? Nobody needs to kick anything. , That's right. I've got a plan and I need your help. ,, There, you see? He's got a plan. ? Yes. Would you stop stretching? Let's go. ? I'm not stretching. I'm stuck. Hey, I think we can really take this thing. Look who we're up against... the magician, the roller skaters, .., The stilt walker, the kid with the tuba. , It's a sousaphone or as he pronounces through his braces, , Shooshaphone. That was erwin and his sousaphone, Playing, believe it or not, , "party in the u.S.A." And now please welcome the dance stylings of... Locomotion! ~ Emmett! - Are you okay? - Get away from me. ?-- Thank you, locomotion... , And friends. And now for our next act. - Did anyone survive that? - I'm still here. ?-- Please give it up for master ventriloquist. P.J. Duncan! PJ Hi, everybody. I'm p.J. ,PJ This is charlie. Say hello, charlie. , I was hoping to get by on cuteness. How are we doing so far? ? And as your president I promise to represent you. , To the best of my abilities. I also promise to fight. , For more recess and less homework. , And of course, I don't hate girls. , Like some candidates. Named gabe duncan. . Thank you. Before I begin, I would like to say something about this campaign. , Now a lot of things have been said about me. And even though they aren't true, I'm okay with that. , But when somebody starts attacking my family... .. That's where I draw the line. Now I could stand here. And tell you who I really am, But I'd rather show you. VCR I love all my kids equally, But if I had to pick a favorite, It would be gabe. I changed the oil in your truck, dad. , Without being asked... classic gabe. ... He's just so loving and so caring, Especially with his baby sister charlie. In fact, gabe was the most excited. About charlie's arrival. And he made it himself. Gabe's the kind of guy you want to have a root beer with. We'll stay up all night if we have to, , But I'm gonna make sure you pass that test. Don't you have to rescue stray animals. And find them good homes? ? Did that before school Classic gabe Gabe's not only sweet and kind, He also has an amazing fashion sense. This one... fun and playful.