

2017-12-29    01'08''

主播: 开口英语

577 6

84. Oh My God! 我的天啦 Two animals, Porky the pig and Donald the duck, see something strange to them. 两只动物,波奇猪和唐老鸭,看到很奇怪的东西。 P: What's that four-legged furry thing? 波奇猪:那个四肢脚毛绒绒的东西是什么啊? D: Beats me. Why don't you get him to tell us who he is? 唐老鸭:问倒我了。你为什么不叫他跟我们讲他是谁? P: OK, Let me try. Hey! Hi, idiot. 波奇猪:好吧,我试试看。嘿!嗨,白痴! D: Hey, Porky! Look at the tag hanging around its neck. It says G-O-D, God! You're in big trouble. 唐老鸭:嘿,波奇!看看他脖子上挂的牌子。上面写着“上帝”,上帝!你麻烦大了! P: Oh, please forgive me. I didn't mean to call you an idiot, God. 波奇猪:哦,请你原谅我。我不是有意叫你白痴的,上帝。 D: Wait a minute! I read the tag backwards. It says D-O-G. DOG? 唐老鸭:等一下!我把牌子看反了。上面写的是“狗”。狗? P: Oh my God! What a relief! By the way, where did you learn to read English? 波奇猪:我的天啊!真是松了口气!哦,对了,你在哪里学会看英文的? D: Uh… I'd better not say. 唐老鸭:呃......我还是不说的好。