

2018-01-14    00'57''

主播: 开口英语

773 5

84. Me and My Big Mouth 都怪我多嘴 Duke is out shopping with his wife, Angel. 杜克在外面陪他太太安琪儿购物. D: How come every time I'm out shopping with you, you buy nothing but cosmetics? 杜克:为什么每次我和你出来逛街,你就光买化妆品? A: Don't you want me to look pretty? 安琪儿:你不想要我看起来很漂亮吗? D: Yes. But do you really need that much? 杜克:要,可是你真的需要那么多吗? A: Well, since you put it that way, I guess I don't. Do I? 安琪儿:嗯,既然你那么说的话,我想我不需要。我要吗? D: Of course, you don't. 杜克:你当然不需要。 A: Do you really think I look pretty enough without cosmetics? 安琪儿:你真的认为我没化妆看起来够漂亮吗? D: Uh… sure. Besides, you're spending a fortune. 杜克:呃......当然。而且你花了好多钱。 A: Oh, I see! You're interested in nothing but money. You don't really care how I look. 安琪儿:哦,我懂了!你只对钱有兴趣,你并不是真正关心我的容貌。 D: Come on. Be reasonable. You're married. Who's going to look at you anyway? (She gets angry.) 杜克:别这样嘛。你要讲理。你已经结婚了,谁要看你啊?(她生气了。) A: Make your own dinner tonight. 安琪儿:晚饭你自己做。 D: Me and my big mouth! 杜克:都怪我多嘴!