

2018-03-12    00'51''

主播: 开口英语

2331 82

94. As Poor AS a Church Mouse 一贫如洗 Anna and Eric are talking about the previous lesson. 安娜和艾力克正在讨论前一课。 E: Wow! Those store clerks really got lucky. 艾力克:哇!那些店员真是走运。 A: You can say that again. Some people are born lucky. 安娜:我完全同意。有些人天生就是运气好。 E: There must be thousands of old men just like that doctor, I bet. 艾力克:我敢打赌一定有成千上万的老人和那个医师一样。 A: That's probably true. And they must be wanting to draw up a will to give their money away, too. 安娜:可能吧。而且他们一定也想要立遗嘱把他们的钱给别人。 So the next time you meet a lonely old man, you'd better treat him right. 所以下次你遇到孤独的老人时最好要好好对待他。 E: Come on! What kind of person do you think I am? 艾力克:得了吧!你以为我是那种人吗? A: Don't get so mad! I'm just kidding! Besides, you might not be so lucky and come across my old uncle, Jake. 安娜:别那么生气嘛!我只是在开玩笑!而且你可能运气很背而遇到我那老叔叔杰克。 E: What do you mean? 艾力克:你这话什么意思? A: He's as poor as a church mouse! 安娜:他是个穷光蛋!