

2018-03-30    00'55''

主播: 开口英语

1062 5

95. The Bronze Age 青铜器时代 While on an expedition in western China twenty years ago, some explorers discovered the mummies of a tall, red-haired people. 20年前在中国西部探险时,一些探险家发现了身材高大的红发民族的木乃伊。 Though estimated to be nearly 4,000 years old, the corpses were quite well preserved. 虽然这些尸体据估计将近有4000年的历史之久,但它们保存得相当好。 Scientists are excited because these mummies are a link between the East and the West. 科学家很兴奋,因为这些木乃伊是东西方之间的一条连结线。 What were redheads doing in China and who were they? 这些红发人在中国做什么,以及他们是什么人? Though the answers to these questions may never be answered with certainty, 虽然我们可能永远无法确实回答这些问题, these mummies provide new information about the Bronze Age, when men used tools and weapons made of bronze. 然而这些木乃伊提供了有关青铜器时代的新资料,在当时人类使用青铜制成的工具和武器。 This was the period between the Stone Age and the Iron Age. 这一时期介于石器时代和铁器时代之间。 As the explorers continue their work, new mysteries are waiting to be discovered. 在探险家继续进行工作的同时,新的谜正在等着被发现。