

2018-05-13    01'44''

主播: 开口英语

2568 43

本内容来自开口英语课程:实用旅游英语,报名请联系Ryan terminal luggage boarding pass check in belonging boarding gate departure lounge delay security check overweight 1. Flight 325 has been delayed. 2. I&`&d like to checkin. 3. May I see your bording pass? 4. How many carry-on bags can I have? 5. I&`&m sorry, sir, but you&`&re five kilos overweight. 6. Please put your carry-on luggage on the X-ray machine. 7. Is this the boarding gate for flight C-321 to New York? 8. I&`&m sorry, sir/ma&`&am, I&`&m afraid you&`&re sitting on my seat.