Last time on "Good luck Charlie"...
我们要来次全家度假 We&`&re going on a family vacation!
你将会面对面的遇到你人生中的真爱 You will come face to face with the love of your life.
嘿 亲爱的 你猜怎么着 Hey, honey, guess what?
我们其实没结婚 We&`&re not actually married.
你想与我共进午餐吗 Would you like to grab some lunch?
-我还没找到他呢 -我所能告诉你的就是 -I haven&`&t found him yet. -All I can tell you is.
-睁大你的双眼 -睁着呢 -Keep your eyes open. -They&`&re open.
他们开始去看那一群... They&`&re starting to see that this is a bunch of...
哇 Whoa!
抱歉 I&`&m sorry.
泰迪 Teddy.
斯宾塞 Spencer?
嗨 Hi.
嘿 你来这里做什么 Hey, what are you doing here?
其实 我来这里是为了看你 Well, actually I came here to see you.
噢不会吧 干嘛来看我 Oh no. Why&`&d you do that?
因为我一直在想着你 Because I&`&ve been thinking about you.
有些事情我想和你说说 And there&`&s something I need to say.
别说了 不可能是你 Just please don&`&t. It can&`&t be you.
-什么不可能是我 -就是那个 -What can&`&t be me? -It!
再明白不过了 How much clearer can I be?
-至少你能听我说完吗 -现在不成 -Will you at least listen to me? -I can&`&t right now.
我现在真的有点忙 I&`&m really busy busy busy.
好吧 但是 泰迪... Okay, but, Teddy...
啦啦啦啦... la la la la la...
一会见 贾斯汀 啦啦啦啦 See you later, Justin. la la la la
一会见 布兰登 啦啦啦啦 See you later, Brandon. la la la la la.
生活搞得一团糟 Today&`&s all burnt toast
就要迟到 爸爸在叫 running late, and dad jokes
我左脚的鞋子有没有人看到 Has anybody seen my left shoe
我闭上双眼 咬口早餐 I close my eyes, take a bite
跳上车子 放声大笑 Grab a ride, laugh out loud
哎呀 老爸 鞋子就在房顶上 There it is up on the roof
我也曾这样生活 我已经顺利走过 I&`&ve been there, I&`&ve survived
所以听取我的建议 So just take my advice
宝贝 不要放弃 Hang in there, baby,
世界有很多疯狂无奈 Things are crazy
可是我知道你会有美好未来 But I know your future is bright
宝贝 不要放弃 Hang in there, Baby
不要怀疑 There is no maybe
一切终会如你所愿 Eveything turns out all right
生活有悲有喜 Sure life is up and down
可是请相信我 坚持就有好结果 But trust me, it comes back all around
你会喜欢将来的你 You&`&re gonna love who you turn out to be
宝贝 不要放弃 Hang in there, Baby
查莉成长日记 第一季第二十五集 Good Luck Charlie S01E25 Snow Show, Part 2
嗨 亲爱的 Hi, honey.
我提早下班然后给你烧了你最喜欢吃的饭菜 I got off work early and made your favorite dinner.
能娶到你真是太幸运了 I am so lucky to be married to you.
正如我妈常对我爸说的那样 As my mom always says to my dad,
没错 你太幸运了 Yes, you are.
嗨 亲爱的 Hi, honey.
我那漂亮的老婆 今天过得如何啊 How&`&s my beautiful wife today?
等下 这... Wait, but...
-我以为... -嗨 亲爱的 -But I thought... -Hi, honey.
噢 你烧了布兰登最喜欢吃的饭菜 Oh, you made Brandon&`&s favorite dinner.
等一下 我是嫁给了你 Wait a minute. Am I married to you.
你还是你啊 Or you or you?
我们三个 Yes.
你无法决定我们中哪个才是你的真爱 You couldn&`&t decide which one of us was the love of your life.
-所以你嫁给了我们仨 -这个世界太疯狂了 -So you married all of us. -But that&`&s crazy.
我来告诉你什么才叫疯狂... I&`&ll tell you what&`&s crazy...
都十年了 我竟然一点没变 It&`&s 10 years later and I haven&`&t grown at all.
艾薇 我现在在滑雪旅馆 然后我遇到了 Ivy, I&`&m up here at the ski lodge and-and I met.
一个巫师 她告诉我将遇到我的真爱 This psychic who said I&`&d meet the love of my life.
然后我就遇见了一个真爱 And so I met the guy
紧接着我又遇见了另一个真爱 but then I met another guy,
最后你肯定猜不到我又遇见谁了 And then you won&`&t believe who showed up.
现在有三个真爱 我急需你的救援 And so that makes three guys and-and I need your help.
噢忘了说了 我是泰迪 Oh sorry. This is Teddy.
到山顶后 能让我先滑吗 When we get to the top, mind if I go first?
你好像滑的有点慢 You&`&re kinda slow.
你说什么 Excuse me?
我看过你滑雪 我也看过我奶奶滑雪 I&`&ve seen you board. And I&`&ve also seen my grandma board.
你俩好像差不多速度 Kind of the same thing.
-总比你的好 -是吗 -Better than you. -Oh yeah?!
是骡子是马 拉出来溜溜 Care to put your money where your mouth is?
不溜 我没马也没骡子 Nope! Last time I did that, a quarter froze to my lip.
我是说敢打赌吗 I mean do you want to make a bet?
赌一百块 让你输的落花流水 100 bucks says I beat you to the bottom.
好吧 赌就赌 Oh, it is on.
你赢的唯一原因就是 The only reason you won is because
我撞上了一块该死的冰块 I hit a wicked patch of ice.
那你敢不敢再来赌一次 Then I guess you have no problem making it double or nothing.
放马过来吧 Bring it.
嘿 快看查莉得到了什么 Hey, look what Charlie got.
一个查莉迷恋上的小正太送给她的礼物 A present from that little toddler she has a crush on.
-真不错 -至少某些男人知道如何对待女人 -That's nice. -I guess some men know how to treat their women.
-你看见我的行李箱了吗 -看见了 -You seen my luggage? -Yes, I have.
-能告诉我在哪呢吗 -好呀 -Do you want to tell me where it is? -Sure.
在你房间里 It's in your room...
你的新房间里 Your new room.
为什么我要有个新房间 Why do I have a new room?
那个 因为我们还没有正式结婚 Well, because you and I are not legally married.
直到你心甘情愿的 And since it would apparently inconvenience you.
再次娶我为妻 否则你将一直流离失所 To marry me again, you'll be lodging elsewhere.
-噢 别闹了 -没错 -Oh come on! -Mm-hmm.
作为一名单身女性 As a single woman,
如果我的房间里出现陌生男子 会令我不舒服的 I don't feel comfortable having a strange man in my room.
-艾米·邓肯 你可真行啊 -啊啊 -Amy Duncan, you're a piece of work. -Ah ah!
请叫我艾米·布兰克霍普 Amy blankenhooper.
你要用回你的婚前的姓氏 You're going back to your maiden name?
没错 是的 Yes, I am. Mm-hmm.
告诉你吧 其实我一直喜欢布兰克霍普这个姓氏 To tell you the truth, I've always preferred blankenhooper.
是吗 那名字有哪里值得你喜欢 Yeah? What is it you like most about it?
是当人们读它时候的哈哈大笑 That people laugh so hard when they say it.
还是人们不会拼写它时的尴尬 Or just that they can't spell it?
出去 鲍伯 Get out, Bob.
嘿 小泰 Hey, T!
噢 艾薇 真高兴你来了 Oh, Ivy, I'm so glad you made it.
你现在可以把胳膊放下了 You can lower your arms now.
你以为我不想啊 Don't you think I would if I could?
你怎么穿这么多件衣服啊 Why do you have so many layers on?
艾薇我不禁冻 Ivy doesn't do cold.
到底什么紧急情况啊 So what's the big emergency?
那个 我遇见了个巫师 Well, I met this psychic.
噢 你还真是说巫师啊 Oh, so you did say psychic.
我还以为电话的信号不好呢 I thought we were in a bad cell zone.
总之 她说在这次旅行中 Anyway, she said I'd come face to face
我将面对面的遇到我人生中的真爱 with the love of my life on this trip,
目前为止我遇到了布兰登 贾斯汀 还有 And so far I've met Brandon, Justin and...
-斯宾塞 -斯宾塞 -Spencer. -Spencer?
那个脚踏两条船的两面派 The two-timing dog that cheated on you?
-没错 就是他 -不 -Yep, that's the one. -No!
你要找的人肯定不是他 That's not the one.
我是说 其他那两个呢 I mean, so who are these other boys?
噢 在那...那就是其中之一 Oh, there... there's one right now.
他是贾斯汀 That's Justin.
噢 挺可爱的 你对他了解多少 Oh, he's cute! So what do you know about him?
我知道他很可爱 That he's cute.
干吗 我只有一天的时间 Well, I've only had one day.
而我只需要一分钟即可 All I need is one minute.
呦 贾斯汀 Yo, Justin!
泰迪 嗨 Teddy, hi.
嗨 贾斯汀 这是我的好朋友艾薇 Hi, Justin. This is my b