加油啊 查莉 快嘘嘘 Come on, Charlie. Go tinkle-winkle.
快给妈妈拉便便 Make the poo-poo for the mama.
不拉吗 No no?
好吧 咱商量下... All right, I'll tell you what...
小便给五块 大便给十块 Five bucks for a number one, 10 bucks for a number two.
成不 All right?
嘿 请问 你们要干吗 Uh uh uh, excuse me, what are you doing?
玩电子游戏啊 这就是像我这么大的孩子 Playing a video game. That's how kids.
应该有的娱乐方式 From our generation entertain themselves.
查莉正在看她最喜欢的节目呢 Charlie is watching her favorite show.
这是唯一能让她坐在小马桶上的办法 It's the only way we can get her to sit on the potty.
难道查莉看“咯咯笑” Charlie has to watch "the gurgles"
就是为了解决内急 In order to do her business?
没错 “咯咯笑”对查莉的确有帮助 Yes, "the gurgles" help Charlie.
而体育专栏也同样帮助着你们的老爸 The same way that the sports section helps your dad.
看这一群废物... Look at this garbage...
又唱又跳色彩鲜艳的二维图形 Brightly colored singing and dancing shapes.
你哥俩能上楼呆着去吗 Would you guys just go upstairs?
如果明天前 查莉还不会自己上厕所 If she isn't potty-trained by tomorrow,
那她就进不去好的幼儿园了 she won't get into the good preschool.
-别这样 -那我们就要在楼下把游戏机拆了 -Come on! -But then we're gonna have to unhook the game system.
然后再到楼上给安装好 Down here and rehook it up there.
我们已经费劲的走下来了 We already walked all the way down here.
难道我们还应该费劲的走上去吗 Are we supposed to rewalk all the way up there?
其实 如果我们的房间里有台电视 You know, we wouldn't have this problem
这事就不会发生了 if we had a tv in our room.
好了 我再不厌其烦的跟你们说一遍 Okay, for the millionth time,
想要电视 没门 I am not buying a tv for your room.
好吧 我们撤 PJ Fine. Let's go, P.J.
别急 Ooh, hold on.
圆圈圈和方块块正在为一颗葡萄而大打出手 The circle and the square are fighting over a grape.
我想看看结果会是如何 I want to see how this turns out.
生活搞得一团糟 Today's all burnt toast
就要迟到 爸爸在叫 Running late, and dad jokes
我左脚的鞋子有没有人看到 Has anybody seen my left shoe
我闭上眼 咬口早餐 I close my eyes, take a bite
跳上车子 放声大笑 Grab a ride, laugh out loud
哎呀 老爸 鞋子就在房顶上 There it is up on the roof
我也曾这样生活 我已经顺利走过 I've been there, I've survived
所以听取我的建议 So just take my advice
宝贝 不要放弃 Hang in there, baby
世界有很多疯狂无奈 Things are crazy
可是我知道你会有美好将来 But I know your future's bright
宝贝 不要放弃 Hang in there, baby
不要怀疑 There's no maybe
一切终会如你所愿 Everything turns out all right
生活有悲有喜 Your life is up and down
但是请相信我 坚持就有好结果 But trust me it comes back around
你会喜欢将来的你 You're gonna love who you turn out to be
宝贝 不要放弃 Hang in there, baby.
查莉成长日记 第二季第三集 Good Luck Charlie S02E03 Let's Potty
嘿 Hey.
嘿嘿 Hey hey.
好啊 邓肯叔 Hey, Mr. Duncan.
好啊 艾薇 你在这过夜 Hey, Ivy. You spending the night?
是啊 俺们家屋子被烟熏了 Yeah, our house is being fumigated.
噢 Oh.
我猜你父母不知道 I guess your parents didn't know.
我除了是灭虫能手 That my company Bob's bugs be gone.
还是除烟高手 Also does fumigations.
不 他们知道 No, they knew that.
噢 是吗 也许 Oh, well, you know,
他们不知道我可以 It's too bad they didn't call.
提供跳楼价去帮你们 I could have given them a big discount.
他们也知道 They knew that too.
噢 Oh.
好吧 Okay.
没什么大不了的 No biggie.
今天是不是吃错药了 What was that about?
谁知道啊 Who knows?
也许是你那句“好啊 邓肯叔”惹到他了 It's your fault for saying, "hey, Mr. Duncan."
准备好迎接一条特大新闻了吗 So are you ready for the big news?
时刻准备着 Always.
好吧 Here goes.
-有个帅哥 -有个帅哥 -There's a guy. -There's a guy?
-有个帅哥 -有个帅哥 -There's a guy. -There's a guy?!
有个帅哥 There's a guy!
-跳段嘻唰唰 -好的 -Super happy dance. -Okay.
嘻唰唰 嘻唰唰 super super
嘻唰唰 happy dance.
嘻唰唰 Happy!
帅哥到底是谁啊 So who is he?
他是咱们政治课新转来的 叫雷蒙德 He's that new guy in our government class... Raymond.
噢 他太可爱了 Oh, he's cute.
等下 你是什么时候和他聊上的 Wait, so when did you start talking to him?
其实 俺们并没聊过 Well, we haven't actually talked yet.
俺们通过QQ来聊天 We've been iming. That led to texting.
今晚他想直接进入到视频聊天环节 Tonight he wants to step it all the way up to video chat.
俺还不知道俺是否准备好了呢 I don't know if I'm ready.
好了 一定要把你迷人的一面展现在视频聊天中 All right, let's get you all cutied up for your video chat.
打扰下 如果那些虫子卷土重来了... Um, if the bugs come back...
我是说 当那些虫子卷土重来时 I mean, when the bugs come back,
一定要给我打电话 This is my card.
算你走运 我会再给你拿张优惠卷 You know what? I'm gonna get you a coupon.
等我拿给你 You wait right there.
机会来了 快溜 快 快 Now's our chance. Go go go go!
好了 大功告成了 All right, there we go.
全新改良的 Brand new. Brand new.
看 快看看 Look. Look at that.
现在...呱呱呱... Now... quack quack quack...
等你长大了 When you're a big girl,
这里就是你便便的地方 This is where you're gonna go potty.
只要记住把马桶圈放下来 Now just make sure the toilet seat is down.
保证你不会掉进去 So you don't fall in.
很有希望 你只会犯一次这样的错误 And hopefully you'll only make that mistake once...
除非你是PJ Well, unless you're P.J.
在这里跌倒过很多次了 And then it's many many times.
知道吗 You know,
我要告诉你一个小秘密 I'm gonna let you in on a little secret.
有时我来这里 Sometimes I come up here
并不是想上厕所 I don't even have to go.
只是想来这里放松下 Sometimes daddy just needs a little vacation.
不好了 Uh-oh.
你觉着如何 So what do you think?
俺也不知道 I don't know.
艾薇 雷蒙德一定会迷上你的 Ivy, Raymond will love you.
你看着靓极了...靓的冒烟 You look hot... like, smoking hot.
好吧 现在俺看出来了 Okay, now I see it.
好了 让我们看下在屏幕中的效果 Okay. Now let's see how you look onscreen.
呃... Uh...
还不错 头低点儿 Pretty good. Just tilt down a little.
我都看见鼻孔了 I'm getting too much nostril.
好多了 好多了 Better. Better.
现在看看侧面 Now let's see some shoulder.
啊 太赞了 Ah, perfect.
现在看看你的电眼媚功 Now flutter your eyes.
适可而止吧 Now don't do that.
笑一个 Smile.
嘴再张小点儿 再大点儿 Less teeth. More teeth.
再小点儿 Less teeth.
刚刚好 刚刚好 现在别动了 That's it. That's it. That's it. Now don't move.
看着摄像头 Look right in the camera.
告诉他你在想什么 And tell Raymond what's on your mind.
我在想我卡住了 I think I'm stuck.
亲爱的 Honey,
我曾尝试着从不在你从洗手间出来后问问题 I try never to ask you this after you exit the bathroom,
但是几分钟前那怪声是怎么回事 But what was that horrible sound I heard a few minutes ago?
查莉往马桶里扔了点东西 然后下水道就堵了 Charlie just threw some things in the toilet, clogged up the pipes.
于是我准备在后院挖一个小洞 So I just gotta dig a little hole in the backyard,
疏通主管道 别慌 没事的 Clean out the main line. Don't worry. Everything is gonna be fine.
是不是应该叫个水管工啊 Should I call a plumber?
不应该 Absolutely not.
一切皆在我的掌控中 I have got this all under control.