-嘿 -你可算来了 -Hey! -There you are.
到底是什么重要的事不能发短信说的 So what's the big news and why didn't you just text me?
因为我想看到在我告诉你后 Because I wanted to see the expression on your face
你脸上的吃惊表情 好了 我要说了 When I told you-- okay, here goes:
那位超帅气的学长乔希 So that really hot senior Josh
邀请我这周参加他的派对 Invited me to his party this weekend.
还说了可以带个同伴 And he said I could bring a friend.
快告诉俺整件事的来龙去脉 So tell me how it all went down.
好的 好的 好的 Okay okay okay.
当乔希问我时 我正站在储物柜前 So I was standing at my locker when Josh asked me.
我当时太紧张了 就把我的头发掩在柜子里了 I got so nervous I closed my hair in the door
然后我只能这么站着 And I had to stand there like this.
别急着高兴 Wait a minute.
咱们的老妈从来不让咱俩参加高年级派对 Our moms will never let us go to a senior party.
-我有解决之道 -噢 看来只能撒谎了 -Already solved that. -Ooh, we're gonna lie.
谁说要撒谎了 你那撒谎的伎俩能骗得过谁啊 We can't. You're a terrible liar.
别小瞧俺 I am not.
我说的事实 Yeah you are.
每次你撒谎的时候 音调就会变高 Whenever you lie, your voice gets really high.
谁说的 huh-uh!
好了 以下是本次行动的计划 Okay, so here's the plan.
你知道有个能拨出假电话的应用程序吧 You know that app that lets you create fake phone calls?
能拨出什么的什么 That what that creates what?
有个手机软件 可以拨出假的电话号码 There's a phone app that you can create fake phone calls with.
我所要做的就是录下一些我妈所说的话 All I have to do is record my mom saying some stuff
这样听起来就像是她允许我去参加派对了 That sounds like she's giving me permission to go to the party.
这样啊 当俺娘听到时 Ah, then when my mom hears it
-她就会让我去 -总算开窍了 -She'll let me go. -Exactly.
接下来就是乔希和我坠入爱河了 And we go to the party and Josh falls in love with me.
没错 他的帅气伙伴也会和我坠入爱河 Oh, and his cute best friend falls in love with me,
但我会告诉他 我名花有主了 But I tell him that I have a boyfriend,
而他却拿俺没办法了 But he doesn't take no for an answer--
-说够了吗 -再然后 -Are you done? -And then
又有第三个帅哥对我感兴趣... There's a third guy that gets interested...
生活搞得一团糟 Today's all burnt toast
就要迟到 爸爸在叫 Running late, and dad jokes
我左脚的鞋子有没有人看到 Has anybody seen my left shoe
我闭上眼 咬口早餐 I close my eyes, take a bite
跳上车子 放声大笑 Grab a ride, laugh out loud
哎呀 老爸 鞋子就在房顶上 There it is up on the roof
我也曾这样生活 我已经顺利走过 I've been there, I've survived
所以听取我的建议 So just take my advice
宝贝 不要放弃 Hang in there, baby
世界有很多疯狂无奈 Things are crazy
可是我知道你会有美好将来 But I know your future's bright
宝贝 不要放弃 Hang in there, baby
不要怀疑 There's no maybe
一切终会如你所愿 Everything turns out all right
生活有悲有喜 Your life is up and down
但是请相信我 坚持就有好结果 But trust me it comes back around
你会喜欢将来的你 You're gonna love who you turn out to be
宝贝 不要放弃 Hang in there, baby.
查莉成长日记 第二季第四集 Good Luck Charlie S02E04 Appy Days
噢 查莉啊 Oh, Charlie.
你知道爸爸是爱你的 You know daddy loves you,
但是爸爸已经和娃娃玩了快一百次了 But daddy's played baby about 100 times
而且爸爸感觉不太舒服 想休息一下 And he doesn't feel so good. He needs to rest.
噢 好吧 好吧 Oh, okay. All right.
噢 有了 咱们来玩 Oh, I know! Let's play
娃娃看爸爸睡觉觉 Baby watches daddy take a nap.
啊 孩子们 我需要你们的救援 Aha! Boys, I need your help.
-说真的 -今天我被蜘蛛咬了一口 -Really? -Today at work I got bit by a spider.
你不就是个灭虫的吗 这不常有的事吗 You're an exterminator. Doesn't that happen every day?
不幸的是 碰巧让一种我过敏的蜘蛛给咬了 Well, this particular spider I happen to be mildly allergic to.
恶心死了 That's disgusting!
快盖上 快盖上 我觉着我快吐了 Cover it, cover it, cover it. Please, I think I'm gonna barf.
谢谢你们的关心 Thank you so much for your concern.
我去看过医生了 I went and I saw the doctor.
她说过几天就可以消肿了 She says the swelling's going to be gone in a couple of days.
噢 真是令人发指 Oh, that's revolting.
不过这的确让你的肚子看起来小多了 Although it does make your tummy look smaller.
“天啊 爸爸 我该如何帮你呢” "gosh, dad, how could I help?"
谢谢你们这样问 thanks for asking.
PJ我需要你明天替我上天班 P.J., I need you to cover for me at work tomorrow.
我这里已经忙得不可开交了 I got a really busy day.
好吧 我去就是了 Fine, I'll help.
但我可不想也弄只巨型手臂 But I better not get a giant arm too.
我还是多买几件T恤吧 I just bought some shirts.
盖比 我去上楼休息了 Gabe, I gotta go upstairs and rest,
我需要你照顾查莉 明白了吗 So I need you to look after Charlie, okay?
我该怎么照顾查莉 What am I supposed to do with Charlie?
你和她玩娃娃 Wha-- you play baby with her.
拜托了 她好这口 Come on, she loves it.
快去捡 Fetch.
好了 艾薇 我要准备实施骗老妈计划了 Okay, Ivy, I'm about to launch phase one of operation fool mom.
啥 听着 我还不知道 What? No. I don't know what
我要在派对上穿什么 咱们先实施计划成吗 I'm gonna wear to the party. Let's trick our moms first.
-嗨 老妈 -嘿 -Hi mom. -Hey.
什么 老妈 What? Mom,
我可是一天没见到您了 而我却只得到了一声嘿 I haven't seen you all day and all I get is a hey?
我的错 嗨 泰迪 Sorry. Hi, Teddy!
老妈 能帮我把这线头从我毛衣上拽掉吗 Uh, mom, could you get this loose thread on my sweater?
-在哪 -噢 应该是已经掉了 -Where is it? -Oh, must have fallen off.
线头 Threads.
没想到吧 Go figure.
你没事吧 How are you doing?
没事啊 对了 老妈 Fine. Oh, mom,
能问你个私人问题吗 Could I ask you a personal question?
宝贝 当然了 Honey, of course you can.
太好了 Great.
到底什么 什么问题啊 What's-- what's-- what's the question?
噢 我还没想好 Oh, I don't have one right now.
只是... Just...
先为以后铺好路 You know, good to know for down the road.
说真的 你没事吧 Seriously, how are you doing?
噢 老妈 你懂西班牙语是吧 Oh, mom, you took Spanish, right?
那这句话什么意思 What does this mean?
意思是我喜欢那个男孩 他人很好 That means I like that boy. He's very nice.
等一下 你不是选法语的吗 Wait a minute, I thought you were taking french.
噢 没错 Oh, wow.
我说我怎么看不懂呢 Guess that's why I didn't understand it.
-我爱你 老妈 -我也爱你 宝贝 -I love you, mom. -I love you too, honey.
怪了 通常这种对话只会出现在PJ身上 Weird-- I usually have those conversations with P.J.
老爸 快让它停下来吧 Dad, make it stop.
-让什么停下来 -来玩娃娃 -Make what stop? -Play baby.
那个 That.
我走到哪 她说到哪“玩娃娃 Everywhere I go there she is "play baby,
玩娃娃 玩娃娃” Play baby, play baby."
抱歉了 儿子 但你总算讨某人喜欢了 I'm sorry, son, but somebody has finally found you likeable.
不管了 我受不了了 Well, I can't take it anymore.
我这就去图书馆 I'm going to the library.
-图书馆 -没错 老爸 -The library? -Yeah, dad.
你没有听错 It's come to that.
-你知道图书馆在哪吗 -我会找到的 -Do you even know where the library is? -I'll find it.
她来了 She's coming!
好了 你准备好电话了吗 Okay, are you ready with your phone?
一切就绪 Ready.
-噢 嗨 温茨太太 -嗨 泰迪 -Oh, hi, Mrs. Wentz. -Hi, Teddy.
-艾薇 你刚才听见我了吗 -没有啊 -Ivy, didn't you hear me? -No.
我刚才边按喇叭边喊你“艾薇”十分钟了 I have been honking and screaming "ivy" for 10 minutes.
那是你啊 That was you?
我在这里可是颇有名气的 I know so many people.
-赶紧走吧 -先别急 我想先问个问题 -Let's go. -Before that, quick question.
-什么问题 -有位学长叫乔希 -What? -There's a senior boy named Josh
然后他要请俺俩去参加他的派对 俺能去吗 And he invited Teddy and me to a party this weekend. Can I go?
听着 艾薇 你知道我在这方面对你的政策 Now, Ivy, you know my policy.
除非我见过那个男孩 不然就死了这条心吧 Unless I've met the boy, the answer's no.
我也很确信泰迪的妈妈也是这么说的 And I'm sure Teddy's mom said the same thing.
噢 其实我还没问我妈妈呢 Oh well, actually I haven't asked my mom yet.
噢对了 为什么我不现在给她打电话来问问 Oh hey, why don't I call my mom at work and see what she says?
通了 It's ringing.
-嗨 老妈 -嗨泰迪 -Hi, mom. -Hi, Teddy.
老妈 我想问下我能去参加派对吗 Uh, mom, I was calling to see if I can go to a party?
-在哪 -就在我朋友乔希家 -Where is it? -It's at my friend Josh's house.
你知道乔希吧 You know Josh, right?
我喜欢那个男孩 他人很好 I like that boy. He's very nice.
这么说来 我能去参加吗 So what do you say? Can I go to the party?
宝贝 当然了 Honey, of course you can.
谢了 老妈 世上只有妈妈好 Thanks, mom. You're the best.
好了 不打扰您了 爱你 All right, I don't want to keep you. Love you!
我也爱你 宝贝 Love you too, honey.
看 See?
泰迪可以去了 Teddy gets to go.
这个嘛 既然艾米都同意了 Well, if it's okay with Amy.
我就没什么问题了 你也可以去了 It's okay with me. You can go.
谢了 老妈 世上只有妈妈好 Thanks, mom. You're the best.
我喜欢那个男孩 他人很好 I like that boy. He's very nice.
什么声 What was that?
噢 我在模仿我老妈 Oh, I was just doing an impression of my mom.
我也经常模仿我老爸 I also do my dad.
“泰迪 你给我进来” "Teddy, get in here!"
什么事 老爸 What is it, dad?
“谁把最后一个甜甜圈给吃了” "who ate the last donut?"
是你自己 老爸 You did, dad.
好了 我们还是先走了 well, we'd better get going.
嗯 什么这么香啊 Mmm, what smells so good?
-热狗 -噢 -Hot dogs. -Oh.
艾米·邓肯做的热狗天下无敌 Nothing makes boiled water smell better
遗臭万年 Than Amy Duncan's hot dogs.
应该是在褒我 This should be