If I Could Touch the Sky

If I Could Touch the Sky

2017-08-02    01'01''

主播: 牛津爸爸英语启蒙

196 3

If I could touch the sky 如果我能触摸天空 作者: Natasha Josefowitz If I could touch the sky, 如果我能触摸天空, I would grab a star and hang it in my bedroom; 我会摘一颗星星挂在我的房间; If I could touch the sky, 如果我能触摸天空, I would pull down the moon and use it to light my room; 我会摘下月亮,用它来照亮我的房间; If I could touch the sky, 如果我能触摸天空, I would catch a cloud and use it for my pillow; 我会取下一朵云,用它来当做枕头; If I could touch the sky, 如果我能触摸天空, I would give away all the stars that are there to spinkle everywhere! 我会放飞天上所有的星星,让它们照亮每一个角落。
上一期: Down by the Bay亲子版
下一期: I am Busy