De-stress Yourself

De-stress Yourself

2017-08-16    09'33''

主播: 忆栀Cherry1619☕

233 2

Hello! Welcome to FM3470159. This is CherryOnTop, and I wish you a good night. 大家好,欢迎来到FM3470159。 CherryOnTop 在这里祝大家晚安,好梦。 希望大家能够少一点压力,少一点焦虑,把生活过得更平衡,更有意思。 There have been times in your life when you have felt out of control, overwhelmed and fearful. Times when events seemed too difficult to manage, perhaps even too many different things or too many different people to deal with.... Those times anxiety filled your life, sometimes fleetingly, sometimes for longer. Anxiety is healthy and normal it happens to all of us…some of the time... Anxiety is a response in your body to make you alert, prepared and ready…. to act…. when it is necessary….for your benefit. So thank your anxiety for keeping you safe when danger has been present… potential threats may have affected you…for keeping your free from harm. You have allowed your anxiety to become too alert…too fearful and it is now time to allow your anxiety some time to refocus, review, to do its job better, return to helping you. Some times we all have to learn to adapt…to safely adapt to our changing world. By focusing your energy…your creative energy which we all have to… from now on you will keep your anxiety in check so that you will respond effectively to your changing environment. In your life you have many everyday tasks to overcome, to complete, to address, some are straight forward... and demand little effort while others build greater focus… greater resilience and greater creativity. Anxiety is caused by having too many unfinished tasks, too many new events and too many unknown aspects of your life. Over time all tasks reach their conclusion, all new events become old and the unknown become familiar. Over time you will become more and more skilled at using your creativity to solve life’s problems.... improving with practice and growing as if new tasks are things we have been doing all our lives. We distress ourselves when we worry that we or someone we care for… is not yet ready for a certain task…we needn’t worry because in this life, we tend to learn as we go along……the proof of the pudding is in the eating…… are now in that wonderful place f self acceptance……..ready to go forward…. living without anxiety…deep down you already know that worrying is a waste of your valuable energy…you are becoming more and more aware that when you move your energy towards a solution……. Your energy either makes things simpler………or more complicated……..worrying always complicates things. In the future you will immediately and naturally become alert to when you are unnecessarily anxious… because you will find yourself revisiting that tune “Don’t worry be happy.” And on each occasion that this relaxing event happens….. your life will change…because important events are about to take place. You are now aware that in every situation where you must choose between two options ..that there is always a third option…which is to do nothing …. It’s curious how solutions come from unexpected sources without having to do anything at all…. Just let the world drift by…. Allowing life to sort itself out…in its own time. You will now enjoy allowing an unexpected solution to present itself where once you sought to find a problem. You now know that sometimes you searched for problems.. which caused you to worry when there is no reason to worry. So “don’t Worry, Be Happy.” You have used your creativity to find solutions. Happy accidents lead to great rewards. Happy accidents happen, when you let them in their own time. From now on you will leave things alone which do not concern you…or you will allow things that can wait ….to sort themselves out… in their own good time. You know that the unknown is a place of limitless solutions and from now on …Learn to appreciate the gift of the unknown… celebrate the limitless creativity of the unfamiliar… where new and exciting solutions to old lingering problems will be resolved…. At the right time…in the right way ….forever. Isn’t it good to know that once you were anxious because there were things you did not know or had not done and now you know that the key to happiness is allowing things to sort themselves out and from now on you will be more calm and relaxed by allowing the unfamiliar in life…allowing the unknown in life allowing the unexplained in life to solve life’s worries and knowing that allowing them to sort themselves out is one of the keys to instant calm, instant happiness and instant personal control... and as you practice more and more …your happiness will grow more and more... and as your happiness grows more and more … your life and that of those around you will keep on getting better and better and better.